Wisteria and Memories- a Roland McCray Story

A story of lessons learned from memory and nature

Blaine Coleman
Curated Newsletters


An old, sagging toward the ground farmhouse
Photo Credit: aj-wallace-unsplash

“Great I call the elusive. The elusive I call the far. The far I call the returning.”
Lao Tzu

I do not know why I ended up at the old farmhouse that day; I had just wanted to get out of the house for a while, so I went for a drive. I took turns at random, enjoying the fresh air, the warmth of the late April sun and before long I realized I was on the road that led past the cemetery. It looked so peaceful through the iron fence, the large old trees and green grass, a small pond in the center with white ducks and swans, but I was not ready to go back there, not yet. It was just too soon.

So, I went right past the big entrance gate and kept driving, lost in memory I guess and not paying attention to where I was going. Without intending to, I got in the lane that entered the highway headed south and found myself not far from the old farm where I had lived when I was a child. I had not been back there since my family had moved from it almost twenty years before and really did not have any reason to go back now. But since I was already so close, I turned onto the road that led past the farm; it was not like I had anywhere else I had to be.

∞ ∞ ∞



Blaine Coleman
Curated Newsletters

Rel. Studies, Creative Writing… Social liberal/fiscal conservative, occasional writer- profile pic- 6-yr-old coal minor 1910-flow with the Tao, all will be well