Yes, You’re Supposed to Hate Free Speech

The right to speak means a duty to listen.

Steve QJ


Photo by Ahmed Akacha

June 10th, 2019. Following a series of protests against speakers with controversial (and occasionally virulently racist) views, Texas Governor, Greg Abbott, signs Senate Bill 18, protecting the rights of speakers and students to “expressive activities at institutions of higher education.

In a video posted to Twitter, Governor Abbot underlines the importance of the First Amendment:

Some colleges are banning free speech on college campuses. Well, no more. Because I’m about to sign a law that protects free speech on college campuses in Texas. Shouldn’t have to do it, First Amendment guarantees it — now, it’s law in Texas.

September 9, 2021. After several high-profile right-wing figures are banned from social media — including former president Donald Trump — Governor Abbott signs House Bill 20, protecting Texans from efforts to “block, ban, remove, deplatform, demonetise, de-boost, restrict, deny equal access or visibility to, or otherwise discriminate against” their online expression based on their political viewpoint.

In a statement released alongside the signing, Abbott affirms his commitment to diversity of opinion:

We will always defend the freedom of speech in Texas, which is…



Steve QJ

Race. Politics. Culture. Sometimes other things. Almost always polite. Find more at