You Called Him a What?!

Bill Nicholov
Curated Newsletters
5 min readJan 20, 2021


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[Insert derogatory name here]. You’d be immediately, and rightfully, condemned for being racist and spreading hatred. But not if you insert the latest derogatory name for my ethnic group. Actually, you’ll be congratulated for helping to “solve a diplomatic dispute” by spreading hatred against us.

Yeah. That’s right.

I’ve heard them all. I’ve been called a ___, a ___, and a ___ (and so much more). But there’s no condemnation. There is intolerance though, towards us, for being offended and for standing up against hatred.

And it’s all because one of our oppressors managed to convince the most powerful countries in the world to side with them in their claim that our existence is a “diplomatic dispute” that needs to be “solved”.

The “solution”, executed by our oppressors, began with mass murder and expulsion. Now it’s forced assimilation, persecution, and the systemic suppression of our name, ethnic identity and human rights.

But shouldn’t the oppressed, not the oppressors, be the ones to get support?

Of course. But our biggest oppressor has the distinct advantage of being inexplicably romanticized by the West, so whatever they say, goes.



Bill Nicholov
Curated Newsletters

Dad, husband, bestest friend you’ll ever have, President of Macedonian Human Rights Movement Intl, 3-time cancer survivor, desperate for attention, follow me!