You Know What, I Think White People Just Love Touching Me!

I can’t find any other explanation for this obsession

Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters


Photo credit: Author’s collection — Photo of me today

So, this is what I look like right now. As you can see, I have twists in my hair, and if you look closely, you can actually see my scalp. So why oh why, did security want to check my hair at Berlin Brandenburg airport just now? Why? I just don’t get it.

So, this time, before I stepped into the security X-ray machine, I took off everything. Like everything, even my watch. I wanted to go through the whole routine without getting stopped, so I took off everything that could possibly set off the scanner.

I got through the machine alright and all of a sudden there was a belated ring. It was odd – and this is what tells me that there is no such thing as an arbitrary security check. I am convinced that those officers have an option to make the damn thing ring if they want to check you. And so, that’s what happened to me. The lady asked to check my twists. Like wtf? I wasn’t impressed.

One thing that I have to say though was that she was very polite. So, I’ve now coined this behavior as «polite racism». The people are so nice to you while they micro aggress the hell out of you, so you feel bad about commenting or putting them back in their place. That’s the way I felt, but the racism still…



Rebecca Stevens
Curated Newsletters

I write about racism, but there are so many other things I would like to write about instead. Help me dismantle racism so that I can get to that.