Your Family Member May Be Living With Robin Williams’ Dementia

Dementia affects the person and their loved ones.

Tom Handy


Brain X-ray photo by Anna Shvets in Pexels

If you don’t know, my mom has dementia. This may or may not be the same dementia as the late Robin Williams.

You see, some people over 65 start to get dementia.

My mom started showing signs of dementia in her late 70s. Within a few years, she was living in my spare bedroom.

Let me tell you, the ordeal of supporting someone with dementia is not fun.

My mom is very strong-willed and likes things done her way.

But now she acts like a little child.

She can’t bathe herself.

She can feed herself.

She needs help to get up.

She also needs her butt wiped.

I had my first encounter doing that, this morning.

My wife started helping her and recently told me I need to help out as needed. I never imagined wiping my own mom’s butt.

Signs of dementia

The CDC says dementia is not a disease but the inability to remember, think, or make decisions.



Tom Handy

I ghostwrite articles for FinTech executives. Seen in Morning Brew, Money magazine, & Who's Who. Get my free email course