Hi! I am Marijke McCandless, a Zen Tantrika Witch

I am a seeker who practices sitting still, embracing life and casting writing spells for good.

Marijke McCandless
Curated Newsletters


Photo by Tuva Mathilde Løland on Unsplash

Who am I?

I ask myself again the question of all true seekers: Who am I?

Today I have a response. Granted, it’s a limited response, an unenlightened response, a response that defines and labels but, I’ve decided, today it’s okay because it makes me smile — it enlivens me!

I recognize, too, that this response might scare my readers away for its strange exoticness. But, hang in there in a minute and let me explain…

I’ve spent the last twenty years seeking “Enlightenment” — a hopeful state of peaceful non-existence — but recently it occurred to me it might serve me better to fully enjoy the journey, instead of looking only at the goal. Enlivenment, I thought in a moment of clarity, is key!

I found out later I might naturally have stumbled upon a true secret. Adyashanti, a beloved and fully awakened spiritual teacher I follow, says to ask yourself along the way “what taps into your vitality center?” And that is essentially the new question that brought me to answer the age-old question with fresh eyes.

What enlivens me? Listening, Playing…



Marijke McCandless
Curated Newsletters

Marijke McCandless is an awareness practitioner, playfulness instigator and award-winning writer. Her recipe? Listen. Play. Write. https://marijkemccandless.com