Finally Joined Substack: A New Chapter in Supporting My Readers

Welcoming the Value of Repurposing Content Across Platforms

Mike Broadly, DHSc
Substack Mastery


Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

Throughout my career, I faced the challenge of reaching an audience for my scientific work. Simplifying complex issues for the public was difficult, and finding readers for these simplified messages was even harder.

As researchers, our primary outlets were scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, and writing for trade journals was costly and challenging unless our work was sensational. The intricacies of chemical changes in the brains and hearts of mice seemed to garner little interest from the public.

In recent years, I turned to social media, but capturing readers’ attention was problematic. Important messages often got lost in the noise of vanity metrics like random follows and likes on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Genuine engagement seemed scarce.

Two years ago, I was invited to Medium, where I finally experienced meaningful interactions with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds. I began sharing my experiences and thoughts on various issues, forming several online friendships.

Inspiration from Influential Writers



Mike Broadly, DHSc
Substack Mastery

Retired health scientist in his mid 70s, avid reader, writer, chief editor of Health & Science, part of ILLUMINATION. Info: