Lessons Learned from Going Blind

How losing my sight opened my eyes to life’s true value

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Life has a funny way of teaching us lessons, often through the most unexpected circumstances. For me, it was the gradual loss of my vision that opened my eyes to the world in ways I could never have imagined.

Image created by Joellyn Rose Keener in Canva Pro

The Unexpected Journey

When I first noticed my vision deteriorating, I was terrified. As someone who has faced numerous challenges, being legally blind was a curveball I wasn’t prepared for. The diagnosis of macular edema felt like the final straw, especially after years of working tirelessly and not earning nearly what I deserved. My world was shrinking, and the fear of complete blindness loomed over me like a dark cloud.

Seeing Beyond Sight

Ironically, losing my sight has made me see the world more clearly. It’s a cliché, but it’s true. When your vision dims, your other senses kick into overdrive. Smells become more pronounced, and the textures of everyday objects are more significant. But it’s not just about the physical senses. I’ve developed a heightened sense of appreciation…

