What Should You Expect When Subscribing to My Stories on Substack

William F. Spivey’s History Channel

William Spivey
Substack Mastery
Published in
3 min readJul 30, 2024


Photo by Carol Spivey

With all the options available to writers on Substack and given that readers don’t have unlimited time and funds, readers (and writers) have to choose where to spend their resources, you deserve to know what to expect if you subscribe to William F. Spivey’s History Channel, here’s a summary and some examples of what to expect.


I write a lot, except when I was on my honeymoon three years ago; I’ve published an average of three weekly stories for over five years. I also have a catalog of evergreen stories, which I’ll work in on Substack. In the almost three weeks I’ve been serious about Substack, I’ve published 44 stories, of which 31 were brand new.


My primary focus is on history. Even when I write about the current political situation or world events, I try to provide historical context. I write about politics, education, and race. A lot about race: I discuss the history of whiteness as a concept and how it didn’t formally exist until Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676. That led to the wholesale conversion from indentured servitude to enslavement as the basis for cheap labor in America. I discuss how forced breeding and rape led to a dramatic increase in…

