Why Medium Writers Should Consider Substack

Expanding Your Writing Horizons

Tom Kane
3 min readJul 2, 2024


Writer online wearing crown
Image by Nightcafe https://tinyurl.com/3p23s4ca

As a fellow Medium writer and editor, I’ve been observing the evolving landscape of online publishing platforms.

While Medium continues to be a valuable space for writers, it’s worth exploring additional avenues to grow your audience and potentially increase your income. One platform that’s gaining traction among writers is Substack.

Let’s explore why you might want to consider adding Substack to your writing portfolio without abandoning Medium.

Why consider Substack?

1. Direct connection with readers: Substack allows you to build an email list, giving you a direct line to your most engaged audience.

2. Ownership of your content: You have full control over your newsletter and subscriber list.

3. Monetization potential: Substack offers a straightforward monetization model for paid newsletters.

4. Flexibility in content delivery: You can choose between free and paid tiers, offering different levels of access to your content.

5. Growing platform: Substack is attracting both established and up-and-coming writers, creating a vibrant community.

Leading by example

Several prominent Medium editors and writers have already established a presence on Substack. For instance, Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, a well-known figure in the Medium community, has expanded his reach by launching a Substack newsletter. This trend suggests that diversifying platforms can be a strategic move for writers looking to grow their audience and income streams.

The continuing value of Medium

While exploring Substack is worthwhile, it’s important to recognize the ongoing benefits of writing on Medium:

1. Built-in audience: Medium’s algorithm helps surface your content to interested readers.

2. Professional look: The platform provides a clean, distraction-free reading experience.

3. Community interaction: Medium’s response and clapping features foster engagement.

4. Publications: The ability to submit to various publications can increase your visibility.

5. Partner Program: While big payouts are becoming rarer, the program still offers a way to monetize your writing.

Changing landscape of Medium earnings

It’s no secret that the days of consistently earning significant amounts on Medium are waning for most writers. The platform has undergone various changes in its algorithm and payment structure over the years. While some writers still manage to earn well, it’s becoming increasingly challenging for the average writer to rely solely on Medium for substantial income.

This shift doesn’t mean Medium has lost its value. Instead, it suggests that writers should consider diversifying their platforms and income streams. This is where Substack can complement your Medium presence.

As the online writing landscape evolves, it’s crucial for writers to adapt and explore new opportunities. Adding Substack to your writing portfolio doesn’t mean abandoning Medium. Instead, think of it as expanding your reach and creating multiple touchpoints for your audience.

Consider starting with a free Substack newsletter to test the waters. You can cross-promote your Medium and Substack content, potentially growing both audiences simultaneously. Remember, diversification can be key to long-term success in the ever-changing world of online writing.

By maintaining your presence on Medium while exploring the possibilities of Substack, you’re positioning yourself to make the most of both platforms. It’s not about choosing one over the other, but about creating a synergy that works best for you and your readers.

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Tom Kane

Retired Biochemist, Premium Ghostwriter, Top Medium Writer,Editor of Plainly Put and Poetry Genius publications on Medium