Best 5 Indie Games of May 2024

3 min readJun 6, 2024

May 2024 has been a phenomenal month for indie games, featuring several potential Game of the Year contenders. Here are the top 5 indie games you need to check out right now!

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1. Hades 2

Hades 2 is the highly anticipated sequel from Supergiant Games, bringing back the intense action roguelike gameplay we loved in the original. This time, the game introduces new characters, environments, and mechanics. The new protagonist, Melano, offers a fresh experience, and the game has already garnered over 37,000 Steam reviews in just three weeks. If you enjoyed the original Hades, this sequel is a must-play, packed with even more content and replayability.

Check out the thrilling trailer for Hades 2 here.

Supergiant Games Youtube Channel

2. Animal Well

Animal Well is an exploration Metroidvania game developed by solo creator Billy Basso. This game focuses on platforming and secrets rather than combat, providing players with dense and cleverly designed environments to explore. If you love discovery and exploration in games, Animal Well is sure to captivate you with its intricate design and engaging gameplay.

Watch the gameplay trailer for Animal Well here.

Billy Basso Youtube Channel

3. Nine Sols

Nine Sols is a stunning 2D souls-like game with a parry-focused combat system similar to Sekiro. This game encourages aggressive play and is known for its challenging difficulty. The beautiful art style and intricate design have drawn comparisons to Hollow Knight. If you’re a fan of Metroidvania or challenging 2D games, Nine Sols should be at the top of your list.

Take a look at the intense action in Nine Sols here.

Red Candle Games Youtube Channel

4. Mullet Mad Jack

Mullet Mad Jack brings a thrilling all-action FPS experience with a unique twist: kill enemies to extend your timer, or it’s game over! Inspired by classic arcade shooters, this game offers relentless pace and varied weapons, making it an exhilarating experience from start to finish. The 1980s action movie hero vibes and high-octane gameplay make Mullet Mad Jack a standout title in the FPS genre.

Experience the adrenaline rush of Mullet Mad Jack here.

Hammer95studios Youtube Channel

5. Abiotic Factor

Abiotic Factor is a unique blend of survival and narrative-driven gameplay set in a Half-Life-inspired world. Unlike Gordon Freeman, you play as a regular human trying to survive in an underground research facility amidst paranormal events and military crossfire. The game’s innovative resource management, crafting mechanics, and intriguing setting make it a standout survival experience. With a strong narrative and engaging gameplay, Abiotic Factor is a must-try for survival game enthusiasts.

Discover the survival challenge of Abiotic Factor here.

Deep Field Youtube Channel

These five indie games highlight the creativity and innovation present in the indie game scene in May 2024. Each game brings something unique:

  • Hades 2: Action-packed gameplay, new characters, and environments.
  • Animal Well: Focus on platforming and secrets, intricate design.
  • Nine Sols: Parry-focused combat, beautiful art style.
  • Mallet Mad Jack: Arcade shooter vibes, high-octane action.
  • Abiotic Factor: Survival narrative, innovative resource management.

Whether you’re into action roguelikes, exploration Metroidvanias, challenging 2D games, all-action FPS, or survival narratives, there’s something on this list for everyone.

Which of these indie games are you most excited to try? Have you played any already? Drop your thoughts in the comments below and let’s discuss! Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more gaming updates, and let us know in the comments which game has piqued your interest the most!




Neurodivergent teacher, gamer, writer, guitarist & entertainer. Chaotic Anime enthusiast and Indie Games connoisseur.