Greetings, Spacefarers — Welcome to Space Haven

Epic Journey through Distant Stars with Your Colony Capable of Hyperspace Travel!

Petr Sobotka


Space Haven, source:

Greetings, Spacefarers!

I must be a lucky person, or I do not know, but as I started with Space Haven just the day before the Alpha 18 version was released, my insights for this review are based on this one. I cannot compare the game with the versions before, so I will not tell you what is new there or what new features I like.

Nevertheless, with my limited knowledge about the previous state of the game, I fully enjoyed over thirty hours in this game in the previous weeks, so let me share my thoughts so far.

Yes, that’s right, Space Haven is now available in early access version, but it already offers a lot of gameplay. Some games released in this fashion lack content, depth, and are simply there to lure some players, but this is definitely not the case with this game.

After the start, there was a prompt to register and information that it is an early alpha version and the possibility (but not requirement) to create your account for the game. This is a nice touch, as your saves can be saved on the cloud this way. And I really appreciate that it is not mandatory, as it often is in other products.



Petr Sobotka

Data Analyst and Basketball Coach, Dreamer and Writer, Fantasy and Crime books lover. Father and Loving Husband. Simply me.