Half-Life:Alyx — An Essential VR Title

Paul Farrelly
11 min readMay 26, 2023
Photo by Minh Pham on Unsplash

Half-life: Alyx, which was out in March 2020, sold over 2 million copies in its first year. One of the best virtual reality experiences currently available, the game is credited for increasing sales of the Valve Index headset before the game’s release. Many players were hoping for a Half-Life 3 or, to be more precise, a resolution to the cliffhanger that episode 2 left. It’s obvious that Valve had other plans. It’s a brave move to release a standalone game that takes place between Half-Life 1 and 2. Did they achieve something remarkable, or did they only further annoy the half-life fanbase? The developer who created this solution is just as sure of it as you are. When it comes to video games, Half-Life Alyx is an absolute classic, not just in virtual reality. So, what exactly sets Half-Life: Alyx apart from the competition? Is it, as many have claimed, the first essential virtual reality game? Hmm, I wonder…let’s get into it!

Simple Origins

While Half-Life 2 is universally hailed as one of the best video games of all time, the original Half-Life certainly held its own. Its 1998 PC release marked a watershed moment for the gaming industry. This was one of the earliest games to allow direct manipulation of the character’s aim through the mouse and keyboard, rather than relying on the player to simply point the screen in the appropriate direction. This may sound simplistic, but it was actually one of the first genuinely 3D environments; aiming the mouse determined where your shots went. Games had been giving the illusion of 3D by using flat maps laid out on a single plane. Because of Valve, this has evolved and flat maps are now largely irrelevant.

It also introduced narrative elements to video games. There was no more static exposition or over-the-top CGI cutscenes; instead, the plot developed organically as you progressed through the game. You were always in first-person perspective, even while the conversation unfolded around you. Since then, hundreds of video games have used this formula, making these concepts seem elementary. It’s not easy to be a trendsetter in the game industry and a trailblazer for new ideas. It’s an understatement to say that with Hal-life 2, they’ve done it again! In a moment, we’ll go into that.

Proper Timing

You can’t argue with the data. Even before the game was released or any reviews were available, consumers were purchasing virtual reality headsets in anticipation of playing it. This exemplifies Valve’s commitment to, and standing within, its local community. Fans of the Half-Life series had been waiting nearly 12 years for new material, and it was clear that Valve needed to deliver. Many people, including myself, consider Half-Life 2 to be among the best games ever created. Its innovative gameplay features were released years before the competition. Pushing the boundaries of what was possible in 2004 with respect to realistic physics, player agency, and engaging gameplay-driven storytelling. It would be an understatement to say that no other first-person shooter at the time even came close to this one.

The crew at Valve set a new standard that was far superior to anything we’d seen before, and in doing so, they helped advance the whole game industry. They have the rare ability to completely subvert a genre and then fine-tune the gameplay to perfection. Initially, Half-Life 2 was planned to be a three-part saga. After two fantastic episodes, we were left waiting for a third. It. Never. Came!!! By the year 2020, even the most devoted fans had given up hope for a new installment in the franchise. The fact that the second episode ended on a cliffhanger didn’t help matters, either. It would be an understatement to say that gamers were jonesing for more Half-Life material.

What’s Taking You So Long?

Most people know that Valve has essentially stopped developing games and content in order to concentrate on its Steam gaming platform. Are you familiar with Steam? That obscure little game console that no one uses. The firm altered gears and started curating products to distribute on Steam, with a few card games being the only exception. Who could possibly blame them, to be honest? At this point, Steam has achieved global notoriety, and virtually every PC gamer has a Steam account of their own. Best sales and most affordable pricing you’ll ever discover, plus the widest selection of games anywhere in the globe and a thriving community of gamers just like you. All without having to get out of your chair. With a current net worth of about $8 billion, it’s evident the company has made some smart moves along the way.

Many Half-Life fans were dismayed by the franchise’s decision to shift focus from game development to server hosting. The community as a whole believes that Valve hit its stride with Half-Life 2 and was afraid to follow it up with anything less than flawless. Creating standards so lofty that not even they can be met. And I get why they’re worried. Nobody wants their hard work and dedication to a new project to be for naught. To suggest it is plausible that they could make the same jump from Half-Life 1 to Half-Life 2 is an understatement. Valve probably didn’t rush toward a sequel because of its obsession with quality. The fact that Gordon Freeman’s story was cut short is a major letdown, but knowing that no installment of the franchise has ever been less than wonderful may be consoling, depending on your perspective.

Half-Life: Alyx — Why so Special?

I think it’s fantastic that Half-Life Alyx has been released. Here are four justifications:

1) They finally released some long-awaited stuff for Half-Life aficionados. Since it has been 12 years since anything Half-life related was released, fans were bound to be excited about the latest update.

2) They’ve avoided the Morgan Freeman plotline for fear of spoiling it or, at the very least, not doing it justice. Half-Life 1 and 2 were special because they concluded Gordan Freeman’s story perfectly. His anecdote might have lost some of its impacts if he had gone into further detail. The risk isn’t worth it.

Third, they’ve placed it between Half-Life 1 and 2, with the focus on Alyx Vance, which works well for the story and also highlights other recurring characters from the series, enriching and expanding the franchise’s canon.

4) The fact that they were able to accomplish all this in VR is proof that Valve is capable of driving innovation in the game business. This sets the bar extremely high for any future first-person shooter produced for VR. Not a simple task!

Envision This!

All games put a heavy emphasis on setting and narrative. This book is no different in that regard. The player’s interest is more likely to be maintained if the game is set in a world they are already familiar with and features characters they recognize. Alyx Vance, Gordon Freeman’s beloved AI companion from Half-Life 2, makes for a great series protagonist. Ozioma Akagha, who is incredibly skilled, voices her. Ozioma gives the character depth and refinement, making her more convincing and realistic in this otherwise surreal setting. The game’s mechanics are brilliantly conceived. Throughout your game time, you are subtly directed in the right direction, and the action never slows down. It’s a remarkable feat of game design that the invisible signposts funnel you in specific directions without making you feel stuck. It’s pure brilliance to allow players to investigate the time jump between the first and second games.

Up until now, there had been a massive hole in the timeline caused by Gordan Freeman’s stasis. What a wonderful It allows us to learn more about our favorite characters and their histories while also contributing to the growth of the universe we all love. Walking through rundown apartment buildings or witnessing soldiers herding civilians is like returning to a familiar environment. Every location from the first Half-Life and the sequel is recreated here in stunning fidelity. You get to explore a place you’ve been to before, but in a way, you’ve never experienced it before. Never before has it felt good or looked decent to walk through combination plants and rundown railway lines to go from one neighborhood to another. The scale and immersion of virtual reality are unparalleled. Being so near to terrible structures and mechanical stalkers will make you feel like you’re a part of this universe, for better or worse.


In the absence of satisfying gameplay, a well-realized setting is of limited value. The gameplay, I’m pleased to report, is superb. Valve has gone to great efforts to make you feel like you’re a part of this world. Your story immediately ramps up the tension by beginning with the abduction of your father. The game’s pace is consistently fast, and the stakes of your rescue mission are made clear. How do Valve’s masterful storytellers fare in a fully immersive 3D environment? As would be expected, they’ve also figured out virtual reality. They obviously get that virtual reality games need to have some physicality to them because they make players use their arms as much as possible.

The controls are well-designed, and it’s easy to understand how to aim, fire, throw grenades, use melee weapons, and solve puzzles. Plus, there are substantial items to consider. It may seem obvious, but it’s a major improvement if nearly all on-screen objects have real, tangible heft. Don’t use phasing to ruin the experience. It’s safe to assume that whatever you observe is within your grasping distance. Another factor is body mass. A realistic response is given to the weight of an object. What if you need to use both hands to pick something up? Use both of your hands! The creators have put themselves in the shoes of the players in order to create activities that feel natural and intuitive, such as swirling liquids in bottles, throwing buckets overhead crabs, and writing on whiteboards with markers.

Did I forget to mention the actual shooting? Excellent gunplay, among the most enjoyable I’ve felt in a video game. It’s for the best, too, because the game wouldn’t be nearly as fun if the weaponry seemed floaty or the enemies seemed like bullet sponges. And I’m delighted to report that every gun duel you have feels incredibly fulfilling, thanks to the game’s realistic gunplay, great immersive noises, and absolutely top-notch AI displayed by the enemy. It’s both horrifying and exhilarating to try to load a new magazine into your pistol as a head crab lunges at you. This is a gaming session unlike any other!


I don’t want to spoil anything because I think the story is best understood by being immersed in it. The tale travels in a lot of different directions while still being insanely open and engaging. According to Valve’s official synopsis, the story takes place between the events of Half-Life and Half-Life 2 and follows Alyx Vance and her father Eli as they organize an early resistance against the Combine’s cruel conquest of Earth. Residents of City 17 adjust to life under the reign of the Combine while the Citadel, a massive fortress, rises in their midst. But among this dispersed populace are Dr. Eli Vance and his daughter Alyx, two of Earth’s most competent scientists and the leaders of a newly formed resistance.

As I indicated up top, soldiers kidnap your father, and you must embark on a daring rescue attempt to bring him home. A pal and a little intentional automobile crash will soon have you free in the wild with a gun and a plan. Compared to other virtual reality games, the length of this one is massive at roughly 15 hours. The narrative drives you forward and never becomes boring. The dialogue, in particular, deserves recognition for its ability to keep the player interested into the wee hours of the morning. When Rhys Darby lends his voice-acting chops to the already hilarious Russell, it makes me laugh out loud. Fantastic writing, interesting gunplay, excellent voice acting, and a passable, compelling tale all set in the Half-Life universe; what’s not to like?


Mod support is another one of Valve’s strengths. The Half-Life Alyx team has made the game’s source code available so that fans can modify it and add their own ideas for new content. Since Half-Life has such a dedicated fanbase, this has taken off. There is a steady stream of updates including balance changes, new weaponry, character skins, and even complete level maps. The two faithfully replicated levels from Goldeneye64 are the game’s high point for me. Virtual reality (VR) and improved game mechanics make it fascinating to play through the Facility level again, taking me back to a time when I first played the game. The “Return to Rapture” mod is also worthy of praise, despite the fact that I’m not a great Bioshock fan.

It’s incredible to think about how much effort went into creating Rapture. The modders have essentially put you into a new game, with all-new materials, fonts, and textures. All modded levels typically have continuing development and upgrades, and comments from players are always appreciated. You may play and enjoy Half-Life forever because of the immense amount of accessible mods and the correspondingly large community that supports them. It’s a must-see!


The current Metacritic and user scores for Half-Life Alyx are 93 and 9.2 respectively. When compared to other virtual reality games, this one is clearly superior. However, the following point cannot be stressed enough. Games in virtual reality tend to be of a far higher quality than their flat-screen counterparts. Due to the novelty of the technology, virtual reality games are often given a pass. But if you take nothing else away from this review, let it be that Half-Life Alyx is an excellent video game. One of the greatest, if not the best, games available right now, regardless of whether you own a virtual reality headset. It does not sacrifice gameplay for a better immersion experience or a better story. However, further information is required.

To put it simply, Half-Life Alyx is an excellent video game. I know I already said that, but it bears repeating: that! Does it merit the hype as a must-own game? In every possible way, yeah! After playing Mario64 for the first time, I knew I had to have a Nintendo64. I decided to buy a Playstation 2 so I could play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. I decided to get a PlayStation 4 in order to play The Witcher 3. If you don’t already own a virtual reality headset, Half-Life Alyx should be enough to convince you to make the investment. Valve has, once again, established an industry standard that will propel virtual reality. I’m excited to see where this goes. So sharpen your crowbar, for it’s time to go to war with the Combine again!

Half-Life Alyx is the pinnacle of virtual reality games. Even though it came out in the year 2020, nobody has been able to top this game. It’s highly unlikely that any company will surpass Valve in the video gaming industry anytime soon. You should play this game because you deserve the very best!



Paul Farrelly

Content writer, copywriter, digital artist and lover of all things geeky!