Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor’s Edge Review

Rodney McGill
5 min readFeb 16, 2022


Another great Ninja Gaiden game!

R.J’s Living Room, February 16th, 1:55a

“Well, looks like this game is beat, I wonder what next, what next?”

Shortly after I beat this game, I was wondering, thinking more like if I should do a review on this game. At first, I wasn’t going to. What I was going to do was to make a very powerful mention of the game then let the cards fall where they will.

But I owe you guys a little more than that, I played through Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor’s Edge and I have to say that it is definitely on par with the 2 before it. I played the original version of the game and it held up okay but it wasn’t great.

I mean, the True Inferno Ninpo broke the game; I mean the original. But this time around, the creators were not having that. Ironic isn’t it, the original game and the upgraded game play exactly the same yet different in every way.

I didn’t enjoy playing through the original like I did in the upgraded version, I mean the game was a fuckin’ masterpiece. Yeah, it wasn’t that long but it definitely kept you wanting more. In this review, I’m going to cover everything except the kitchen sink; okay, maybe that too.

So if you’re ready, come on down!



Rodney McGill

Writing extraordinaire, I've always loved writing since I was a kid and I'm happy that I am able to become a paid writer like I want to be.