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What Would You Do With $4.56M?
Squid Game: The Challenge 2 are casting now!
With the hit reality show Squid Game: The Challenge gracing our television screens, the question that pops up throughout life is resurfacing.
What would you do with millions of dollars?
The first thing that comes to mind is a homestead. A place that ensures you and your family are safe and secure. My partner recently asked me where in the world I would like to buy a house if we won the lottery. Without thinking, I said I wouldn’t. We have a home already; I don’t see the point in buying another one. Maybe I would consider building a small home, something similar to Hagrid’s hut in the Harry Potter movies.
Seeing the world is another dream that could be fulfilled by becoming an instant millionaire. Travelling gives you perspective; it shapes you as a person and moulds you as you learn different ways of life. However, what excites me the most about travelling is the food. That has always been a dream of mine; to taste my way through the different foods of the world.
In reality, even if I won millions of dollars, I would still be a tight-arse at heart. Of course, we are only surmising and no one really knows how they would react to such a winning. But I feel pretty confident that I would…