𝐈 π‡πšπ―πž π…πšπ₯π₯𝐞𝐧 π•π’πœπ­π’π¦ 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 π‘π¨π¦πšπ§πœπž π’πœπšπ¦ (メ﹏メ)

Romance scammers love to take your money.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

I will tell you about my experience. I am not ashamed to tell, I didn’t do anything wrong. I was a fool because, like many others, I believe in something good. I believe in goodness and love! My problem was that I came online and believed I would meet a lady for me. That was a huge mistake and now everything is over. I don’t chat, and I close every social media. I don’t believe online anything, period! But to recover myself is a long process because I hurt my feelings, and now the only thing I feel is anger. Anger at myself because I was a fool; I didn’t check everything about my lying scammer on time, a lying sucker. It’s hard when you realize about a scam when someone plays with your feelings. Time and talking with members of the family, talking with good and real friends will help. Take a long walk, close every social media, and don’t meet anyone online anymore! If you seek to meet someone, do that in person only, in person. It’s much better to be alone and not to be hurt by someone you never saw in person. That experience will never be forgotten, but with time, everything will pass. Don’t feel like everything is bad; the person who is hurt must go on and be much more careful in the future. So it’s a process to recover from that pain I still feel. In the end, I have only one wish: to locate some lying scammers, their β€œworking place,” and throw a bomb at them. Stay safe 🫑

𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐒𝐧𝐬

This is my own experience:

I have worked abroad since 2014 and am still working. I am single and unmarried. I work every day for 10 hours. I remember in 2019 when I found someone through Instagram. She had sent me a message to say hi, but I didn’t reply to her messages until a week later. After 10 days, on my day off, I accepted her message and also replied hi. She instantly replied to my messages. We chatted every day, and I asked for her phone number, which she gave me. It is a UK phone number. We also chatted through WhatsApp.

She told me she works in the UK as a lawyer and she is a single mother, she also sent her daughter a picture. Many times I requested to try a video call, but she refused because she told me she was always busy with her daily work and tiredness. And I was never forced; also, because of her work, she never asked me for any money or anything. We chatted daily, and I believed her blindly.

She shared with me everything: her activities and also sent me some pictures daily. After 3 months of talking, one day she told me about her extra income business. She also mentioned that if I wanted to invest, she would help me. I also think about earning extra income every day because I don’t earn a good amount from working ten hours daily here. She told me about a Bitcoin mining company and showed me her daily income from it. After she sent me the company link, I logged in and created my profile. She invested $100 in my account, and after 5 days, I received a profit of $100. After receiving the profit, I returned the $100 to her. I believed that the company was good for me.

Everything was going fine at that time, and I decided to invest in that company. But sometimes I would think about whether it was good for me or not. Because I really didn’t know about the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. The company’s investment payment is only supported in Bitcoin, and withdrawal is also done the same way. It was a lot of challenge and difficult for me, but she taught me everything properly. I wanted to try a small investment first, so I started with $100. After a couple of days, I got back $100, and I was happy. She introduced me to someone through a Telegram channel, who claimed to be the owner of the company. He explained the company’s rules and regulations and said that if I invested more, they would give me a good return.

According to the conditions, I believed them and I spent $1000 on investment. After 1 week, I contacted the company’s support team, and they requested a Gas fee from me for withdrawal. (Crypto gas fees are transaction costs paid by users to process and validate transactions on a blockchain network. Gas fees are used to prevent spam and prioritize network usage by adjusting costs based on demand.) The company requested a $180 Gas fee from me. I was totally confused because when I made my first investment, they didn’t mention anything about Gas fees. I informed them about my first investment, and they told me that for first-time investors, the company gives the first investment for free. I also told her about everything, and she apologized, saying she had actually forgotten to inform me about that.

I believed her and I paid what they told me. However, after I contacted them again, they refused my withdrawal because they needed an additional $100 for the withdrawal. I was totally confused at that time about what I needed to do, and I also refused to pay that money. She asked me every time for my withdrawal, but I refused. She told me that it was a new rule and regulation of the company. She also told me that I could ask another person in the group chat, where I saw many people, around 200 in total. They update their profit every day and show it through screenshot photos.

Helpful Tips

If a person seems too good to be true, they probably are. Beware if you are asked for inappropriate photos or financial information. Do not send money to people you meet online and have never met in person.

I personally messaged each person in the group and they also told me that the company is legit and very safe. They said I could send them the money. I sent it again but still had issues. Two days later was the company’s anniversary and they chose one person from a lucky draw for a $50,000 USD prize. The result showed that the winner was me, and I was confused once again. Everyone congratulated me, and many investors told me I was lucky. Now I need to contact the support team. Should I message them? They checked my number properly and confirmed that I was the winner of $50,000 USD.

β€œThey needed all my documents, including my passport copy, and I sent them all. They called me many times using UK phone numbers, and I believed it because the company is also established in the UK. After that, they told me I needed to pay a transaction fee of $1000, which I needed to pay for the transaction.”

I work abroad. My salary is not more than $600 each month. I work here as a normal worker in the United Arab Emirates. I thought the prize money was huge and it would change my life; that’s the most important point. I agreed to pay them; I had saved money for my future. After I paid them, they asked for my BINANCE wallet address. I copied my wallet address and sent it to them properly. I was really excited about that prize because that money could change everything for me, and I could open my own business in my home country, Nepal.

I received an email from the company stating they will proceed with the withdrawal. However, I did not receive any email from BINANCE crypto wallet. Normally, BINANCE sends a notification email to every customer for any deposit or withdrawal. I waited for around 24 hours for the withdrawal but did not receive any email or payment in my BINANCE wallet. I reached out to FEODORA, the lady I met through Instagram. She spoke with the manager via chat and sent me a screenshot of their conversation. The company manager informed me that I had provided an incorrect BINANCE wallet address, causing the money to be returned under certain conditions. The condition is that I need to pay an additional $1000.

She told me it was the last payment and that you were reaching your prizes, and again I paid because I trusted her blindly. That is my second payment, totaling $2000. β€œNow it’s complete,” she told me, and the company manager confirmed. Again, I waited for 2 days as she talked with me regularly and the company manager did too. Then, after 2 days, the company manager told me that I needed to make a company investor card. Once this card is complete, then I can receive my payment. Again, I am ready to make the company investor identity card, but I need to pay $900. They explained that this is all about company rules.

I was totally shocked and felt that something bad had happened to me. However, she told me everything was okay and I didn’t need to worry about it. If this is not okay, she will return my money, she said, but she needs me to pay for my identity card. Again, she gave me some hope by telling me she would visit me after a week. I also paid $900 last time because of what she said, as I followed her without knowing all the details. They told me to wait for a week, as they would send my identity card via courier. I hoped everything was fine. After a week, I received a phone call, and when I picked up the phone, a man spoke to me. He identified himself as a customs officer and said that my identity card was with them. He informed me that in order to receive my card, I needed to pay a fee to the customs office.

I was shocked when I received a call from her, I disconnected the call and texted her again to tell her everything about the customs officers. She stayed silent for a moment and then explained that if they called me again, I should inquire about the amount needed to release my identity card. After a few hours, the same officer called me and when I asked about the payment, they said it was $5000. I was exhausted and frustrated with the situation. I informed her about the cost, expressing my inability to afford it as I had already given them my money and invested it with them. I contemplated giving up, thinking that the money would never come back. However, she persuaded me by offering to pay $2000, and I would have to manage the rest. She admitted that I was naive to trust her again, as I ended up borrowing money from a friend multiple times to send it to them.

I had totally lost $10,000, which was money I had saved for my mom. Now, I realize it’s a very big mistake that I had made. After that, the company blocked me from everything. I can’t reach them, but she always talks to me. However, after I found something on her Instagram account, she blocked me. I need to check before when we talk, that all are my mistakes. I found her Instagram account; it is based in Nigeria. After I asked her about it, she blocked me.

Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

I know that person is a lady who talked to me because we had talked on the call, but not on a video call. I searched for that picture on Instagram and found the real person. She is a social media influencer. Someone stole her photo and used it to scam people. I found her email address and sent her an email, telling her everything that happened to me. She felt very sorry and apologized for everything, thanking me for giving her information about this. She warned me not to talk to every person on the internet because many people now use fake IDs to steal money and create fake relationships.

This is my story when I fell victim to a love romance scam. I lost all my savings, but I want to say, don’t believe anyone you talk to on the internet until they make a video call and provide all the information.

If you believe you have fallen victim to a romance scam:

  • Stop communicating with the individual immediately.
  • Talk to someone you trust and describe what’s going on.
  • Notify the website or social media platform where the scammer first made contact. …
  • Do not blame yourself. …
  • Report the incident to local law enforcement.

Write to teach, to share, to connect and communicate with these other strange and remarkable humans.

Have A Great Day! (●’◑’●)οΎ‰(●’◑’●)οΎ‰



𝐌𝐫. π€ππ―π’π¬πžπ«

Tech enthusiast. Cultural explorer. Wordsmith. Join me in unraveling the intricacies of our world, one article at a time.