029 — Free Verse — The Feline Feeling

Fur, nails, and bushy tails

Aaron Kemp
Published in
May 12, 2021


Photo by Jeanie de Klerk on Unsplash

My cat is full of hairballs
She gacks them up on the carpet
Hell, the carpet may just be that
Remnants of spit and cat

Some of my friends are allergic
Bad luck

I think my cat is fantastic
Everyone who owns a cat thinks their cat is fantastic
But I know what a terrific cat looks like
And I have one
A bushy tail and claws that cut
Good for climbing the walls
And kneeing the bed into piled cotton

Who wouldn't want that?
Dog people, and those susceptible to animal dandruff

I know that my cat loves me
Deep down
There’s a lot in there, after all
Hairballs, and cat food
Love has got to be mixed in

Maybe someday my cat will gack it up
And show me how she truly feels.



Aaron Kemp

Cornish | Software Developer | Aspiring Poet — ‘After Air I Breathe Verse’. * — — — * All support is much appreciated —