3 Types of People You Should Avoid in Your Life

Danish Chaglani
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2024

An experienced person knows well how to deal with people around you because they know there are different kinds of negative people who spread negativity you will meet and whose existence is not necessary for our life.

The reason to avoid such toxic people is that such people are detrimental to your mental health. There is nothing more important than a human’s mental and physical health.

If you want to live a happy and peaceful life, get rid of such people in your life.

Here are some people that have toxic traits and are bad for your mental health:

1. People Who Support Doing Wrong Things

Some people always be there to support doing wrong things, and always constantly criticize others with great enthusiasm but never tolerate self-criticism at all.

The only thing they like to do is to taunt other people’s faults and always show their strengths to the people.

2. People Who Are Jealous of Others’ Success

People who are inside jealous of other people’s achievements, someone’s money, someone’s lifestyle, or someone’s profession by saying their meaningless objections. This is the only thing that most unsuccessful toxic people do.

3. Controlling, Greedy and Manipulative People

People who take pleasure in giving wrong advice to others instead of doing something right.

People who always think they can control others and consider themselves sharp and more innovative than others.

One of the most inferior signs of toxic people is that they are so selfish they don’t care about others’ feelings.

When you think of doing something creative which is good for you but somehow they will stop you from doing what you want to do and they will tell you to do something that doesn’t make sense to you.

Often there are people around us who are spreading negativity, manipulating, and wasting our time.

Sometimes we don’t feel it, but most of the time those time-wasters who always waste our time are our friends, relatives, and loved ones.

There will be friends around you who will waste hours and hours, days and days by telling you that I do not mean to disturb you or waste your time, such people are your actual enemies, they are not that much loyal, they are just with you temporarily.

What to Do With Them?

First of all, You have to set boundaries for such people or try to avoid these people strictly.

You have to put yourself first If you want to have a happy, productive, and peaceful life.

I have seen the happiest and most successful people in my daily life.

The reason behind their success is that they put themselves first, also are always punctual, honest, and sincere about their work.

Life will become in a zigzag motion, for those who do not value time.

Good Luck!

~Danish Chaglani

