10 changes that bring the SENSE OF SUCCESS in my life:

Sensing success brings it to your life:

Shamaz aha
3 min readJul 6, 2022


Let’s dive into the list and my experience with every change.

1. I start believing in myself.

When I was in my teens, people laugh at me about my different thinking. They don’t take me seriously. After some time, they try to stop me and say, “ You’re unfit for society.” I’m astonished about their laughing and upset about their disguise. I didn’t say anything. All my words evaporate and, eye to eye connection with my mirror self reignite my fire. If everyone confuses me, it’s my responsibility to listen to my inner calling. After staying with me, I sing incantation of my wizard.

2.See in the eyes of biases.

People create prejudices about various stuff. Some of the prejudices hurt or block my vision to achieve success. “An engineering student can’t be a writer.” These words I hear often. Everyone has it’s own parameter to measure others. Don’t be stick with the opinion of a person.

3.Never afraid to leave the wrong people.

I start my online business, my friend circle notice and scoff at me about my work. I feel unsettled about their last laughs, but I left their circle. Adopt a friend circle that lift you towards your goals.

Photo by ThisIsEngineering from Pexels

4. Lust is the extension of more.

In my teenager time, I suffered from perfectionism. I wanted perfect at everything. In the end, I did nothing and felt overwhelmed. I discover stoicism. It teaches me How to stay happy with less.

5. I choose to be constructive in life.

I faced a lot of bully about my choices. It’s impossible to control everyone’s mouth. You can’t handle others. The person who hates you now can be your follower later. You require a win-win strategy for life.

6. Read at least 2 pages per day.

Reading saves me at the depressive time and preemptive me about the future self. It’s the non-fiction world of mentors who introduce me to the real worth of life. Reading allows my mind to think by my side and develop confidence in my action.

7. Try new experience in life.

Life is a small show of a few moments. Take advantage of every moment. See the beauty of every aspect of your life. It’s impossible to get everything that you want. You can create a spell every day to make it your colorful memory.

8. Treat me as my best friend.

I evoked myself that in my teenager. I declared myself a stupid dumb person of the year within seconds after encountering every challenge. I’m dumb. People are fast and updated. Even if I achieved respect, I was still unhappy and dissatisfied.

Now, I treat myself as the person I liked most and have lifetime responsibility. Mess still astonishes me but, it’s no longer remain the same because I’m with myself. It’s like a vendor with Goods.

9. Set your priorities like brushing your teeth.

Research reveals that a person spends most of his awake time with the job he does. The second number is for his spouse. Even you want or not, your duty on the planet defines you. Set your representation and satisfaction on top of priority. It’s not others responsibility to assign you to work. It’s your self-accessory.

10. Help only those that ask for help.

Don’t be helpful for those who don’t need it. I often meet or close with people who help others without any second thought. They even themselves need help. First, at least, see what’s your strengths or weaknesses. Realize you can give What you already have.

If you want to give something marvelous, create it inside of yourself. Don’t show your bruise in the marathon of life. People can grab your hope. Show your weakness after you win. There’s no time in life for faddish stupid stuff.



Shamaz aha

Free writer. Chemical engineer, looking for home.