10 Cryptocurrency Trends to Look Out for from 2023 to 2025

Cryptocurrency narratives to capitalize on to help you level up your Networth

Timothy Mugayi


Photo by Aleksi Räisä on Unsplash

The cryptocurrency market has been hammered nonstop since mid-2022. The parabolic rises and crashes have been unreal — even for the die-hard seasoned crypto investors.

While the crashes have been heart-shattering, developers and corporations have been busy tinkering away and innovating by building on existing blockchains.

Meta, and some large cooperations, are currently testing many innovative contract ideas. Starbucks has even developed a Polygon loyalty program using NFTs. Telegram and Signal have begun incorporating many crypto features into their platforms, and even the self-proclaimed doge-father Elon Musk once hinted Twitter perhaps might have dogecoin as a payment option.

If we take the sum aggregate of hypothetical scenarios that could possibly play out and what has already played out, then take a fraction of 10% of users on Facebook and Twitter collectively adopted cryptocurrencies as a primary rail for the transfer of value, this has the potential to move the overall crypto market exponentially.

Below are some trends I see potentially playing out that present investment and opportunities that could…



Timothy Mugayi

Tech Evangelist, Instructor, Polyglot Developer with a passion for innovative technology, Father & Health Activist