10 Effective Ways I Boost My Income

Streams of income

Chris O.


Photo by Taylor Grote on Unsplash

1. Invest Wisely:

I invested in stocks and shares. I put my money into stocks, bonds and real estate in order to generate additional income through dividends, interest and rental yields.

2. Side Hustles:

I have about seven side hustles generating income for me. There are up to 100 realistic ways to make money and boost your income. I explore part-time gigs and freelance opportunities that align with my skills and interests which can provide an extra source of income outside my primary job.

3. Skill Enhancement:

I acquired some profitable skills such as SEO and software testing. These are self taught. You should continuously improve your skills to increase your market value to make it easier to negotiate a higher salary or take on freelance projects at premium rates.

4. Create Passive Income Streams:



Chris O.

Uni of Cambridge CELTA. Blogger. Content Creator. Prolific writer ✍️Self Development, Faith, Side Hustles & Psychology.