10 Essential Steps to Building a Loyal Fan Base

Because no matter what you’re offering, loyal followers are your best customers.

Susan Smith-Harmon


Photo by Zach Rowlandson on Unsplash

“My people are my people. They love me and I love them. I would not be here without them.” — Steven Seagal

Do you want to start a business? Work for yourself? Write stuff people will actually read?

Yep, me too.

Do you know how to succeed online? Are you’re waiting for a post or video you created to go viral? Then your business will soar. Right?

Sure. It can work that way. But you don’t need to go viral to succeed. You don’t need a million fans. You need loyal, repeat customers.

There’s probably an audience for your stuff, people who want what you create. You just have to find them.

Wired founder Kevin Kelly famously wrote in his 2008 essay 1000 True Fans that “to make a living as a craftsperson, photographer, musician, designer, author, animator, app maker, entrepreneur, or inventor you need only thousands of true fans,” not millions.

Although his ideas remain somewhat controversial, Kelly gave creators permission to succeed in online business without going viral. And many have.



Susan Smith-Harmon

Journalist, writer, editor, and presenter with an itch to make the world a better place.