10 Highly Unorthodox Methods to Stumble Upon a Career You Adore

Career Escape Artist
Published in
5 min readMay 15, 2023
Photo by Javier Mazzeo on Unsplash

Staring at your career and feeling the palpable excitement of a sloth on sedatives? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there, contemplating if our current job holds the magic to keep us intrigued for the rest of our working days. But let me tell you a secret: it doesn’t have to. Let’s embark on a whimsical journey to discover a career you’ll adore with these ten highly unorthodox, delightfully absurd (yet surprisingly effective) methods.

1. Enroll in a class. Any class.

Consider this your invitation to leap headfirst out of your comfort zone. Is there a class you’ve heard about that made you think, “Neat.”? Perhaps it’s pottery, coding, or writing sci-fi poetry. It might be online or in person. No matter how absurd or unrelated it may seem, give it a shot. You might unearth a hidden passion that could redirect your career path directly or indirectly. And hey, even if it doesn’t, you’ll have a good story and you’ll clear your head by looking at something new.

2. Play ‘Career Roulette’

Jot down all the careers that tickle your fancy on slips of paper, put them in a hat, and draw one. Whatever you pick is your career obsession for the next week or month. Devour every piece of information you can find about it. It’ll force you to look deeper into topics you’ve only skirted around so far, but it takes the pressure off because you’re not committing to one yet. It’s a fun way to explore different fields you might not have considered otherwise.

3. Pretend You’re a Kid Again

Cast your mind back to the days of tire swings and treehouses, when you passionately told everyone you’d be a firefighter, a marine biologist, or a dinosaur. Why not delve into those dreams now? Rekindle activities you loved as a child, or explore those early career aspirations. You might find your true calling was hiding in your 7-year-old self all along.

4. Have a ‘Freaky Friday’ Moment

Remember that classic movie where the characters swap lives? Now’s your chance to do it in real life. “Swap” jobs with a friend or family member. Maybe you choose to physically follow them around for a day, or maybe you just agree to a coffee date where you trade experiences. Ask about their work, their challenges, and their triumphs. It’s a way to get a firsthand perspective on a different career. You might find yourself intrigued by something new.

5. Channel Your Inner Sloth

There’s a common misconception that sloths are lazy. The truth? They’re efficient. They conserve their energy for the things that matter most. So, channel your inner sloth and prioritize relaxation. Start by scheduling ‘do nothing’ days in your calendar, where the only task is to enjoy your own company and indulge in leisure activities. Read a book, watch a movie, meditate, take a nap, or spend time in nature. In this serene state, listen to your thoughts and pay attention to the ideas that bubble up. What are you daydreaming about? What fascinates you? Your relaxed mind might just lead you down a path to a career you’d love but never considered before. Remember, it’s not laziness, it’s strategic slothing.

6. Explore Random Job Listings

There’s a vast landscape of job listings across the internet. Delve into those you’d usually skip or deem ‘not for you.’ Doing so can provide a broader perspective on the myriad of careers out there. You’ll be amazed at what jobs exist. Go on an adventurous quest on job boards, LinkedIn, or company websites, and pick out intriguing job titles. Then, research these roles to understand what they entail. Doing this scavenger hunt might lead you to a career that aligns with your interests and skills, one you didn’t even know existed.

7. Soul-search While Helping Others

Volunteering is an enriching experience that can also be a goldmine for career exploration. Start by identifying causes you care about. Do you love animals? Volunteer at a local shelter. Passionate about climate change? Join a local environmental group. Interested in education? Offer your time at a nearby school or adult education center. While volunteering, pay attention to what you enjoy most. Do you love organizing events for your charity? Do you find satisfaction in writing the newsletter?

8. Make a ‘What If?’ List

Jot down all the ‘What if?’ scenarios you’ve ever had about your career. What if you were a travel writer? What if you were a teacher? What if you invented the next big tech gadget? Let your imagination run wild, and then take the time to research and explore these possibilities. You never know which ‘what if’ could lead you to your dream job.

9. Attend Networking Events in Unfamiliar Industries

Networking events can be a treasure trove of new career ideas. Attend events in industries you know little about, and strike up conversations with professionals from diverse fields. Not only will you expand your network, but you’ll also gain insight into various careers and their nuances. Who knows? A casual conversation with a stranger might lead you to a career epiphany.

10. Combine Your Skills and Interests in Unexpected Ways

Take a long, hard look at your skills, interests, and hobbies. Now, try to find creative ways to merge them. Are you a history buff with a knack for writing? Perhaps you could become a historical fiction author. Do you love cooking and have a background in chemistry? Maybe a career in food science awaits you. The possibilities are endless when you approach your career with an open mind and a dash of creativity.

Finding a career you adore doesn’t have to be a chore. With these ten unorthodox methods, you’ll be well on your way to discovering a job that sparks joy, passion, and fulfillment. Remember, life’s too short to be stuck in a career that feels like the human equivalent of watching paint dry. So go on, embrace the weird, the wacky, and the wonderful, and stumble upon the career of your dreams.



Career Escape Artist

The ultimate side hustle guru and exit strategy expert. Sharing strategies to build profitable secondary income streams.