10 Incredibly Useful Websites That Even The Best-Informed Internet User Wouldn’t Know

Discover the new opportunities on the internet

Jerry Keszka


Do you ever feel like you’re missing out because you don’t know as much as you should about the internet? This post will showcase ten useful websites that even the best-informed internet user wouldn’t know about.

From helping you learn 10x faster to finding the best SaaS tools to help you with your business, these sites are a must-read for anyone who wants to stay ahead of the curve. So whether you’re looking to broaden your knowledge or like to learn some new things, hit the jump!

Image by the author using Canva

1. Upword.ai

Upword is a powerful AI-powered summarization tool that helps you learn 10x faster by capturing key ideas and generating personalized summaries. It’s on a mission to help people be more productive with their knowledge so that it can be beneficial in all fields, from education to business to personal development.

When you’re using Upword, it first collects all the relevant information from the article you’re reading. Then, its proprietary AI algorithms scan this information and produces an ideal summary for your needs. This summary is personalized based on your interests and learning style, which means that you’ll be able to…



Jerry Keszka

Writer, solopreneur, and traveler. Want to make the most of your 50s and beyond? Check out my newsletter. https://plus50forward.substack.com/