10 Life Energy Draining Things I am Giving Up, Like Now

#3 I am giving up self-diagnosing from Google University Life Coaches

Rashmi G
4 min readJul 26, 2023


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Being cheerful, creative, and bursting with ideas has always been the “being myself” to me.

But allowing myself to chase after or hold on to dead-end relationships, not making time for my growth, and never giving time to heal had led me into months of depression and recovering from them.

After taking two months off, regular detox, doing shadow work, holding me back from reinstalling dating apps, and eating healthy I can safely say, I am in a better place than I ever was this year.

In this process, I identified habits that were putting me in a low vibe state.

Anything that puts me in a state of being unable to function, feeling my self-worth and peace of mind affected all formed low vibe habits.

Here are they for you:

#1 I am saying no toxic friendships

I am not a big believer in labeling people as “toxic”, or “narcissistic” right away.

But being in a “friendship” for the past few years that drained me of my confidence, in my sanity and left my health in a complete mess taught me major life lessons.

I ended up craving for validation, some form of response, and ended up getting only crumbs.

I learned it's possible for people to suck the life energy out of me and leave me gasping for spiritual survival.

The only solution is to go contact me as much as possible and not give my attention or my reaction.

No one worth being in my life will ask for peace of mind in return. Period.

# 2 Bye-Bye Dating Apps

The endless swiping, hours of soul-sucking conversations, unmatching, and then I find amazing people and the games begin -

Go with the flow (a.k.a I won’t commit ever), situations, delusional relationships- I am done.

I am only going to look for meeting interesting people offline and see how it goes.

This has been the toughest habit to give up because firstly I am fighting with my primal human need for sexual intimacy (no shame in admitting this).

Second is learning to be vulnerable, and cautious while also accepting the ups and downs of being single.

I am just more alert in investing my emotions in people who are equally interested.

#3 No more YouTube Self Diagnosis In My Recommendations

I appreciate the awareness these videos bring.

Yet, after every breakup I don’t want to label my ex a raging narcissist and why poor empath me is the victim and only see the anger, the painful memories getting replayed on a loop relating to all that I see online.

From my limited knowledge, all those who hurt us aren’t (only) narcissists, maybe they have the traits, and also self-diagnosis will leave us in an even worst place.

I will seek help, and work on myself.

#4 No more “Life is Too Short” to not eat Cake Attitude

Healthy food is the second best medicine. First is an exercise for me.

All my Yolo diets of Biryanis, burgers, cocktails, and oil-heavy flatbreads have been given a farewell from daily presence to monthly indulgences.

I am choosing healthy proteins, lots of veggies, and basically cooking food my mom made when I was a kid.

I am addressing my emotional eating with help, doing shadow work, and allowing uneasy emotions to pass through me.

Following these steps for a few months, I could see changes in my mindset and health.

#5 I am Not Letting My Weight Hold Me Back From Living

It is a drastic statement because it’s been quite a sensitive topic from my childhood.

My stretch mark-laden heavy arms have always stopped me from going sleeveless.

I have avoided meeting dates because I wasn’t in the same weight when I met them years before.

I thought my social acceptance heavily relied on me being in my “ideal” size and looking a certain way.

Not anymore.

I am working on respecting myself enough to know that:

1. People who matter in my life would be busy having fun to notice my appearance.

2. I have so much love, joy, enthusiasm, and creative madness to give to the world and my fluctuating weight just means that I am a woman living her life.

I am giving up disproportionately basing my whole existence on my scales only.

#5 No more ignoring my intuitions

As someone who takes major life decisions based on how I feel energetically in an environment, I do ignore intuitions when it comes to some people.

Firstly, I am curious why I feel unsafe when the person doesn’t look like they mean any harm. Secondly, I am scared of the future when I have to rely on them for help.

The results, like a law of physics, have always been disastrous.

It needs incredible strength to listen to our intuition and walk away because we feel stupid or even rude for doing so.

But doing the right thing never always feels good. There is no feels good so it must be right ever.

Respecting our body’s signs and inner voice can save us years of tears and rebuild ourselves back.

Final Thoughts

Staying in a healthy energetic state requires us to question and look into all our habits.

All that we consume, all the people we choose, and the places we go affect us much more than we can see.

Being aware, trusting our decisions, and eliminating all forms of energy-draining sources can help us in a big way.



Rashmi G

I write about Single Life, Relationships, Culture, Empaths, Mental Health Awareness, Self-Love and Life. And yes I am an ENFP:) rashmisatya64@gmail.com