10 Life Lessons from the Movie ‘Coco’

Yuchae Moon
Published in
10 min readMar 17, 2021
Jessica Bryant on Pexels

I watched the animated fantasy film, Coco, yesterday with my son till he fell asleep in the middle of the movie so I continued watching it alone. I’m so grateful I chose to watch this movie out of all the numerous movies on Disney+. I gained some lessons in the movie and I guess people of all ages can benefit from them.

What is Coco all about? Coco is the great-grandmother of Miguel (great-grandson). After watching the movie, I then realized why it is entitled with her name.

The movie tells about a generation of families that ban music for life! It all started when Hector (Miguel’s great-great-grandfather, Coco’s father) left his family for his love of music. He left them to pursue his dream of becoming a musician. Imelda (Hector’s wife, Coco’s mother) was devastated and didn’t want to mourn his departure, then started making shoes. Until it became a legacy.

Miguel didn’t seem to comprehend the family's loathe for music. He secretly made a guitar and had a hiding place to listen to his idol Ernesto Dela Cruz. This place was full of Ernesto’s pictures. You can feel his love for his idol. Not long after, his grandmother found this secret place. Miguel’s love for music is known to his family and they criticize and stop him from pursuing his dream, to be a MUSICIAN! When his grandmother destroyed the guitar, Miguel chose to leave home and follow his dream.

In trying to join the singing contest in town but with no instrument, the thought of stealing his idol’s guitar came to mind and he acted upon it. He went to his grave and as he tried to walk away, he could see the dead people and could touch and talk to them as well. He met the deceased family members who had a problem at the moment. Imelda (great-great-grandmother) couldn’t come across during Dia de Los Muertos or the Day of the Dead. (It is a Mexican celebration to commemorate the memory of their departed loved ones.) Miguel was then brought to the Land of the Dead. (This is one of my favorite aspects of the movie. The place is so magical! Watch the movie to witness it!)

Miguel’s adventures started with the stray dog, Dante. Important revelations and secrets are uncovered in the Land of the Dead. And, it’s for you to find out. As much as I want to write the events in the Land of the Dead (the best scenes are in there), I don’t want to narrate all of them here and spoil the excitement. I admit I cried twice in two different scenes in the movie. I cried when Hector was about to perish to the Final Death and I cried again when Miguel returned home with Hector’s guitar, went looking for his grandmother Coco and sang Remember Me. And oh! Remember Me just became my favorite song. Check it out!

Let’s go to the lessons that I learned from the movie. I love watching animated movies because they never fail to give life lessons. Coco has lots of them.

1. Nothing is more important than family; Family is Everything

Miguel never showed interest in the family business, making shoes and he wasn’t happy when his grandmother announced that he could stop cleaning shoes after school. All he wanted to achieve was his dream to become a musician. He is blinded by exhibiting idolatry to the musician Ernesto and neglects the family’s celebration. He left home but had his adventures in the Land of the Dead. He realizes that family is everything after he finds out that Hector is his great-great-grandfather.

We should respect our family at all times. They might be against our dreams and beliefs, but we should still be respectful. The main message of the movie is the importance of family. The love of the family is unconditional and forever. We should never stop loving them even after death. We should never stop talking about them to the next generation. Let them live through telling their deeds and the moments they have with us.

2. Seize the Moment; Follow Your Dreams

‘Seize the Moment’ has been told numerous times throughout the movie. It is evident that Miguel’s family is against his dreams but left home to follow his dream.

How many times have you ceased to try doing the things you love to do because people around you criticize and look down on you? How many times have you felt dispirited because no one believes you and everyone is unsupportive? The movie tells us that no matter how numerous the hindrances are that come along your way in achieving your dreams, don’t be dispirited, don’t be discouraged, and have faith in yourself that you can achieve it. When you truly want something, criticism and mockery won’t stop you. It’s easy for people to discourage you but don’t entertain them. Go, do what you have to do, and ignore the naysayers!

3. Forgiveness

Imelda has still resented and hated Hector in the Land of the Dead. She hasn’t forgiven him for leaving them and never came back. However, after they found out what truly happened, Imelda forgave him immediately. Hector is a laughing stock in the Land of the Dead because people believe he died by choking on chorizo. The truth is that Ernesto poisoned him when he left for his family. Even the living family members hated him that they tore his picture in their family picture that is displayed at ofrendas (altars set up to honor the dead during the Day of the Dead celebration) thus resulting in Hector’s failure to cross the golden bridge.

Harboring resentment towards someone isn’t healthy. You only make yourself suffer from the pain they have caused you. It’s never too late to forget and let all the heartaches go. It can be so difficult to do it. It is always easier to say than to do. You can forgive easily but forgetting is another story. Remembering the wrongdoings of people and how they hurt you can be disheartening but holding a grudge is a waste of energy and time. Forgive and let go or you will be imprisoned in a world full of hatred, rage, and resentment. It’s only you and no one’s responsibility to free you from them. Choose the energy you want to attract in your life.

4. Friends; Choose carefully

Ernesto is Hector’s good friend. They are close to each other. Hector has never thought anything bad about Ernesto. He was willing to make music for him. However, Ernesto has been secretly envious of Hector’s talent. He didn’t want Hector to leave and go back to his family so he decided to poison him. He stole his guitar and especially the fame that Hector had been dreaming to be known. Ernesto stole the life Hector should be living with his family.

How many friends do you have right now? Do you trust them? Are you certain they won’t betray you? We can’t be sure of the friends we have unless they show their true colors willingly. There is no way of knowing how true a friend can be unless something unpleasant happens. No matter how many friends you have around you, misunderstandings and betrayals are inevitable among any circle of friends. Envy has a part of it. Being envious of a friend is not a healthy practice. It should be ceased before it ruins a friendship. Don’t be blinded by jealousy. Be truly happy and grateful for a friend’s accomplishments in life. There is no greater thing than being a supportive and loving friend.

5. Never lose your principles while following your dreams.

Ernesto is blinded by envy of Hector’s talents so that he poisons him to take the spotlight, to be a well-known musician. People have never forgotten him after he died.

It is great to have ambitions/aspirations but keep in mind not to lose your principles. Oftentimes, dreamers forget where they come from, abandon their friends and neglect their responsibilities in life. They do unpleasant things to win and achieve the fame everyone has dreamed of. They cut ties with the people who helped them. They betray the ones who have been with them all along. They can forget the people who have supported them in achieving their dreams. From what I observed, this is true for some people. Their ambitions in life have led them to forget their loved ones. They enjoy the blissful life they have at the moment. Follow your dreams without stepping on someone’s dignity. Be grateful for people who support your dreams and believe in you at all times.

6. Goodness always prevails; evil won’t stay forever.

Ernesto’s true color is exposed on his show when he pushes Miguel off the building. It is then revealed that he poisoned Hector. They found out that it was Hector who wrote his music. It was then shown that he was the man behind Ernesto’s music.

Whatever good things you do for someone, people will rejoice and be grateful to you. They will go back to you a hundredfold. For whatever evil things you do to someone, they will certainly go back to you as painful as your deed. Doing bad things (such as betrayals and speaking negatively about them) to people due to envy and jealousy will never lead you anywhere in life. Evil doesn’t prevail, goodness does all the time.

7. Never underestimate the power of music.

Miguel’s family bans music. They never want to listen to any music at their home and even outside. Miguel is prohibited from going to the town to join the contest. It doesn’t stop Miguel from learning the guitar on his own. He ignored the nagging of his grandmother.

I was teary-eyed when Miguel sang Remember Me to his great-grandmother Coco who is too old to remember the names of the family members but after listening to the song she started to regain her childhood memories with her father. She is too happy to tell them how she loves her father, Hector.

I must say that music does magic. I love music. I have 1,751 songs on my phone. I listen to music all the time. I listen to different languages even if I don’t understand them. Music has the power to make people happy and sad. It has the power to help people move on from a tragic event. It has the power to make people remember sad and good memories. People rely on music to get through the day. It is evident how music can change someone’s life.

8. The departed always live in the memories we have with them.

One of my favorite scenes in the movie is the concept of the Land of the Dead. I was so amazed the first time I saw the colorful place where you can see the ever-expanding houses. It is so magical! You might want to dwell there if you aren’t terrified at their appearances.

The departed loved ones stay there when they pass away. However, when the people in the living world forget you or no one remembers you anymore, you disappear into the Land of the Dead and encounter the Final Death. Hector has been wanting to cross over the golden bridge to see his daughter Coco but his time is running out since she is so old and doesn’t think much about him anymore. As I mentioned before, he has never passed the golden bridge because his picture isn’t displayed at the family’s altar since they tore his picture but Coco has been keeping it with her. What’s heart-touching is when Miguel sang the Remember Me song that Hector composed for Coco when she was younger. Coco regained her memories and told her childhood memories to the family. Coco never forgets her father Hector. Grandchildren indeed make the great-grandparents strong!

Those who love us never really leave us even after they pass away from the living world. They live with us through the memories and photos we have with them. We should never get tired of telling their stories to people especially family members. Death doesn’t fade the memories we have with them. Death is inevitable and should be accepted. Yes, we mourn a loved one’s death but oftentimes we tend to forget that the memories we have with them will keep them alive. They might not be here physically but they live forever in our hearts and minds. They are always remembered and never will be forgotten. Let’s make memories with the people we love and take millions of photos with them.

9. Don’t judge someone by their appearance and position in life.

Hector has tried numerous times with different costumes but failed to pass every time. No one has ever put his picture on the altar. All he wanted to do was to see his daughter. Miguel met him and found out that he was a friend of Ernesto (Miguel believed Ernesto was his great-great-grandfather) and he badly wanted to see him and get his blessing without the condition of ending his dream to become a musician. Miguel has been with his great-great-grandfather all along in the Land of the Dead who has never crossed the golden bridge even once. Hector isn’t known but Ernesto got the fame. In the end, Ernesto is despised and Hector is known for his music.

How many times do rich people look down on less fortunate ones? The people with power have the privilege to get the things they want. They always have the advantage of getting special treatment. They get noticed first. While the normal people especially the less fortunate ones get ignored. This subject is unending and still holds today. When you don’t dress properly in a gathering, people will look down on you. When you don’t study at a prestigious university, people will underestimate your capability. When you don’t have a good-paying job, people will judge your ability. People are so quick to judge by just looking at someone’s appearance and status in society. How long will this last?

10. Celebrate life.

Time is of great essence in all walks of life. Never get tired of telling your family’s stories, share them. Never listen to naysayers, pursue your dreams! Don’t waste your time holding a grudge, forgive people. Love your friends genuinely, and never be envious. Never lose your dignity while following your dreams. Always do good things, and be kind to people. Never underestimate the power of music, share your passion! Always remember the departed loved ones, and make more memories with the living! Don’t judge people by their appearance and status the society.

Always celebrate life!!!

Coco is a must-watch movie! I’d willingly watch this movie numerous times. I love the ending. I love how they embraced and accepted the music into their lives and that makes Miguel thrilled!

Yuchae Moon



Yuchae Moon

I’m a woman of few words. I’m aloof. I’m reserved. I don’t verbally express things well. I keep things to myself. But my mind is filled with thousands of words.