10 Life Lessons My Car Teaches Me Every Day

Daily motivators on your way to work

Raja Dev
2 min readOct 13, 2021


Photo by Jesse Zheng from Pexels

My car is my best friend, as an introvert. From the time I step out from home to the time I reach my workplace, it speaks many things to me at each step.

  1. Unlock your potential to perform the tasks of the day. Make a compact list and feel rich, how much more time you still have in the day.
  2. Open the door for a positive environment. Wear a smile on your face and keep the door open for others to approach you.
  3. Wear a safety belt. Maintain bonding with good friends in every situation, who provide you emotional support during a crisis.
  4. Ignite the passion in others. Prioritize the points to motivate your team for the day. Recall if there are any compliments or recognitions due from your side to be given to your colleagues.
  5. Wipe off the obstacles from yesterday. Do not carry the impressions of yesterday to the work. Wipe them off as soon as you feel them.
  6. Put a reverse gear. Remember that you have to move back a little in order to get on to the main track. Do not feel shy to reverse some of your yesterday’s decisions. Instead, put a siren of caution and let everyone know that you are reversing them to reach a better track.
  7. Steer it well — every day is a new challenge. The direction of your progress is in your hands. Keep your energy and direction in sync towards the goal. Stick to the basics and do not get distracted by the deviations of others.
  8. Drive safe — The success of yesterday doesn’t discount today’s accountability. Give way to others. Be polite while overtaking others.
  9. Park it nice — Not all goals can be accomplished in a single day. You may also miss some tasks planned for the day. Park them safely in a way easy to mobilize them later.
  10. Lock the emotions of the day. Appreciate yourself for what you did well and figure out the improvements needed. Translate your feelings into an action plan and lock the emotions before you sleep. Be ready to start a new day tomorrow.

“Learn continually. There’s always one more thing to learn.” — Steve Jobs



Raja Dev

data scientist, engineer, programmer, architect, love to write stories of connecting science to business. like to encourage newcomers and enthusiastic authors.