10 Mistakes You Didn’t Know You Were Making While Lying

Being a recovering pathological liar, I can spot these from a mile away.

Anshu Kumari


Photo by Flaunter on Unsplash

Even if you do not have any aspiration to be a pathological liar, you can always use some white lies to get on better in your life. Lying is considered a vice and you shouldn’t tell lies which threaten lives. But in times of crisis, you must know how to do it exactly.

In the past, I had gotten away with the lies 90% of the time. Those mostly were the basic ‘I didn’t break the vase’, ‘I didn’t leave the doors open’, ‘I am going for the group study’ kinds of stuff. But I never considered them as serious lies.

I have grown around very strict parents. In my house, everything had to be proper and up to a level. I couldn’t afford to do any mistakes, which is kind of impossible, especially if you are a child. So of course, I made mistakes, lots of them. But at a very small age, I had developed this defense system without even realizing- I started lying.

I have been making weird stories since I was in second grade. Nothing like the J.K. Rowling stuffs. Mine were just weird false stories, mostly about my life.

Even now, when I make a conscious effort not to lie, in times of need, I can pull out the tricks very well. And I can spot other…



Anshu Kumari

A teacher and writer who helps people learn more about love, books, and life.