10 Qualities You Need to Have to Call Yourself Mature

Saleeha Som
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2022
Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich:

Being of legal age or going through puberty does not imply maturity. Some people develop physically, but they still have a long way to go before becoming adults emotionally. You would need to demonstrate specific qualities, such as the capacity to be joyful for someone else, in order to shed your label of being juvenile or immature.

We examine the characteristics you must possess in order to define yourself as a true adult.

1. Having control of your own emotions

A mature individual would be fast to control their emotions rather than easily being enraged at someone else for something they do. Being mature makes it less likely that you will become overtaken by your emotions and behave negatively.

2. Taking responsibility for yourself and your actions

Every day, people make decisions, and those decisions have an impact. A mature person will accept responsibility for their acts. When you actively care for yourself, your happiness, and the things that get in your way as a result of your decisions, you are mature.

3. Feeling thankful for what you have

When you express gratitude for what you have rather than whining about what you lack, you are displaying another sign of maturity. You recognise that not everyone is as fortunate as you are, so you don’t take anything for granted.

4. You’re able to accept yourself for who you are.

Accepting who you are as you are is difficult, especially when people are always pushing you to change. But when you’re mature, you accept who you are and have self-assurance. Instead of feeling inferior and wanting to pretend to be someone you’re not, you’ll feel at ease with who you are.

5. Realizing how much you don’t know

Although it is impossible for anyone to know everything, it takes maturity to acknowledge the extent of one’s ignorance. Being mature means putting your ego aside and being open to learning — even from someone who is younger than you.

6. Being aware and considerate of others

Being mature includes having compassion. You won’t always put your interests first; instead, you’ll consider other people. Prioritizing others’ needs comes before achieving your own. Instead of becoming envious of other people’s success, you will celebrate it.

7. Being humble and modest

If you are a mature individual, you won’t let any success make you conceited. No matter what, you’ll always treat others with fairness and respect. You won’t need to elevate yourself above others, either.

8. Showing flexibility

Because things don’t always go as planned, maturity requires the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and think quickly. Only children and young adults are inflexible, obstinate, sulky, and accusatory.

9. Being open-minded and not judgmental

Your eyes will be open to new ideas and your ability to put yourself in other people’s shoes will increase. You will be willing to attempt to understand others who are different from you and close the gap rather than categorizing them.

10. Knowing there is always room to grow and improve

Being mature means you’ll never let yourself get comfortable and believe you’re too old or incapable of further development. You’d think there would always be room for development. You may constantly work to become a better version of yourself since life is about learning.

Which of these qualities do you think you have? Can you name any other qualities you’d need to be considered mature?

