10 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Humans

Helena Anne
Enchanted Stories
Published in
6 min readOct 17, 2020


Everyone thinks they have the best dog in the world… They are all right

Photo credit: Kayte Evans (popcornpaws.co.uk)

I read a meme once that said, ‘Everyone thinks they have the best dog in the world… They are all right’. It struck me that dogs are such a blessing, everyone (well most people) think they hit the jackpot with their own dog, yet understand that everyone else feels the same way.

How fab are dogs!

I have written previously about the story of my rescue dog, Lola. I was looking at her recently and decided it’s time to celebrate my top ten reasons I love having a dog so much.

1.They are so loyal.There’s nothing like a dog to stick with you through thick and thin, never leaving your side. It’s a wonderful thing to know that there is one loving being in the world that will always be there for you, never questioning you, no matter what.

Lola. Photo credit: Kayte Evans (popcornpaws.co.uk)

2. They keep you fit and out in nature. As a grown adult, there is not single person that can force me to go out and exercise… but my dog can. Woe betide me if I haven’t taken her out early enough. She paces around me, running towards the door every time I stand up, looking up expectantly at me and gesturing…



Helena Anne
Enchanted Stories

Lover of Dogs and Yoga. Eternally searching for ways to expand my consciousness.