10 Reasons Why Silent People are Successful

Introvert people confuse everyone with their silence



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Have you ever wondered why Silent People are successful?

one of the psychology theories that divides humans into two types of personality is based on how they get their energy one who gets their energy from being on the outside and socializing is called an extrovert, while one who gets their energy from alone time is called an introvert. How do extraversion and introversion correlate with success? The qualities of a successful person are often associated with an extroverted person, especially in a field that requires more public speaking and networking. However, some of the most successful and influential people in the world are introverts. There are a bunch of successful Silent People such as Bill Gates, MarkZuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Albert Einstein.

It seems most times The problem we have with ourselves as humans are the problem of saying what is not yet ready to be put forth. We all seem to have this problem and most times there are countless reasons why we do this to make people know that we are somebody who also has his own worth. We try to make ourselves look big private talk others down and sometimes gain some respect aggressively some God-like reverence to ourselves. We are ready to say everything that can be said to have a…

