10 reasons you might find it hard to say ‘No’.

Why do some people have such a hard time saying No.

Maviah Gul
3 min readSep 4, 2023


Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

Whether it is taking on more tasks than we can handle, or saying yes to things we have absolutely no interest in doing — most of us have struggled with saying ‘no’ at some point in our lives. But why is it so hard to say that one simple word?

It’s never nice to hear the word ‘no’ and it indicates rejection and failure.

Humans have the natural tendency of depending upon the reciprocity which makes us feel that by not obliging socially, will threaten our bonds with people.

One of the core requirements for humans is to socialize with others and a feeling that we belong and saying ‘no’ feels threatening to our relationships.

Amidst our struggles to fit in and be liked by our peers, we worry that by saying ‘no’ might take us far away from them.

Another reason for saying no is that we don’t want to disappoint others and hurt their sentiments. Moreover we live in a ‘yes’ world wherein saying no is not an option.

People often consider you as a weak link in the group if you say ‘no’ to anything.

Here are 10 reasons as to why we can’t say ‘no’ :

  1. when you want to prove your worth.
  2. People are often afraid of critical judgement towards them that’s why they find it hard to reject others and eventually end up doing what they don't usually want.
  3. Sometimes saying ‘yes’ is easier to say to avoid the awkward situation.
  4. It often saves time and energy of a person who has to go in a long and never ending debate as to why he can’t do the given task and that’s why ends up saying ‘no’.
  5. For some, the idea of turning down a request to do something that he doesn’t want is not politically correct because it senses some selfishness of the person.
  6. You never want to let anyone down and by saying ‘yes’ you gain the confidence of the person.
  7. Saying ‘No’ can be deemed as sign of weakness mostly in our own mind because we tend to judge ourselves first-hand, and in those with whom we work.
  8. We’re afraid that we’ll be seen as someone who’s difficult to get along with and portrayed as someone who doesn’t play well with others.
  9. Saying ‘Yes’ comes naturally to you.
  10. when we are indebted to someone and want to return the favour , saying ‘Yes’ comes first in our mind.

I cannot recall how many times I have encountered the situation of not saying ‘no’ and being an introvert made it worse wherein I couldn't speak my heart out.

Recently I attended a wedding and I had purchased a bag for the occasion; this was the first time I was using the bag but my happiness was very short lived. I was in love with the bag because it was appealing and beautiful. One of my relative asked for the bag and I couldn’t say no thus ended up purchasing a new one for myself.

We have to learn to say no to people because as we might be agreeing to others in an appealing way we tend to lose our self worth. Saying ‘no’ for longer period can turn us into their puppets as we become a yes-man to everyone. Sometimes taking a stand for ourselves is better for our growth and mind.

Thanks for reading. If you find this article helpful feel free to clap and share as much as you can.



Maviah Gul

I am on a journey to start something for myself.