10 Signs You’re Hanging Out With a Narcissist

And what to do about it.

Charlie Lukas


I never expected to meet someone like this.

When I was younger, I was naïve, and more than a little insecure. I didn’t expect anyone to have bad intentions and would do my best to keep other people happy. I was easily manipulated, and quick to react if provoked.

This is fertile ground for being narcissistic prey.

A narcissist’s personality is divided equally between self-loathing and self-importance. Their self-hatred is only matched by their sense of entitlement. They convince themselves of being superior to others to avoid looking at who they are.

A narcissist can take the form of a parent, a lover, or a close friend. If someone you know fluctuates between harming you and charming you, then you need to start considering how their mind works. You may be in the same situation I was in.

Here are ten signs someone you’re spending time with is a narcissist.

1. They Try to Dominate You

Narcissists try to establish dominance over you in every situation. Through degradation, confusion, and bullying they keep you in an established place. This way you can’t threaten their imaginary throne. They see the world as a game of hierarchy and…

