10 Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination and Boosting Productivity

Are you tired of struggling with procrastination? This article provides 10 effective strategies for overcoming procrastination and increasing your productivity

Osman Güneş Özkurt
5 min readDec 21, 2022


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Procrastination is a common problem that can have a negative impact on our productivity and overall success. Whether it’s putting off a task until the last minute or simply struggling to get started, procrastination can hold us back from reaching our goals. However, it’s important to note that procrastination is a habit that can be changed with the right strategies and mindset. In this blog post, we’ll cover 10 strategies to overcome procrastination and increase productivity.

1. Set clear goals and deadlines

One of the most effective ways to overcome procrastination is to set specific and achievable goals, along with deadlines for completing them. This helps to give your tasks a sense of purpose and urgency, which can motivate you to get started. When setting goals, it’s important to make them SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will help to ensure that your goals are clear and attainable, which can increase your chances of success.

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2. Break tasks down into smaller, more manageable chunks

Another helpful strategy for overcoming procrastination is to break larger tasks down into smaller, more manageable chunks. This can make the task feel less overwhelming and more doable, which can help to boost your motivation. By breaking tasks down into smaller pieces, you can also make progress more consistently and feel a sense of accomplishment along the way.

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3. Use a planner or to-do list

A planner or to-do list can help you stay organized and on track with your tasks. Be sure to prioritize your tasks and schedule them in your planner or to-do list in order of importance. This will help you to focus on the most important tasks first, and ensure that you are making progress toward your goals.

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4. Remove distractions

Distractions, such as social media or email notifications, can be a major cause of procrastination. Try to eliminate as many distractions as possible while working, or use tools like Freedom or Cold Turkey to block distracting websites. This can help you to stay focused and avoid getting sidetracked by unimportant tasks or activities.

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5. Find an accountability

Having someone to hold you accountable for your tasks can be a powerful motivator. Consider finding an accountability partner or joining a support group to stay on track with your goals. This can help to provide accountability and motivation, and can also give you a sense of accountability to someone other than yourself.

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6. Use the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique involves working for a set period of time (usually 25 minutes) followed by a short break (usually 5 minutes). This can help to keep you focused and motivated, and can also help to prevent burnout. By working in focused bursts and taking regular breaks, you can stay energized and motivated throughout the day.

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7. Use positive self-talk

Negative self-talk, such as telling yourself that you’re not capable of completing a task, can contribute to procrastination. Instead, try using positive self-talk to boost your confidence and motivation. This can involve telling yourself that you are capable and competent, and reminding yourself of your past successes and accomplishments.

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8. Reward yourself

It can be helpful to reward yourself for completing tasks, as this can provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment. Just be sure to choose rewards that align with your goals and values. For example, if your goal is to be more physically fit, you might reward yourself with a new workout outfit or a healthy snack after completing a workout.

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9. Seek help when needed

If you’re struggling with a task and can’t seem to get started, it may be helpful to seek assistance from a colleague, mentor, or friend. Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of guidance or support to get started. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you need it. This can also be a good opportunity to learn from someone who has more experience or expertise in the area.

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10. Practice self-compassion

It’s important to be kind to yourself if you struggle with procrastination. Remember that it’s a common problem and that it’s okay to make mistakes or have setbacks. Instead of beating yourself up, try to practice self-compassion and recognize that you’re doing the best you can. This can involve acknowledging your own feelings and being understanding and supportive towards yourself, even when things don’t go as planned.

By implementing these 10 strategies, you can overcome procrastination and boost your productivity. Remember to be patient with yourself, as it may take some time to develop new habits and overcome old ones. With practice and persistence, you can overcome procrastination and achieve your goals.

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Osman Güneş Özkurt

Psychologist, Author, Speaker and Researcher.👋🏼 I write in the fields of psychology, science, philosophy, art and technology.