10 Things I Gave Up When I Moved to a Small Town From a Big City

Haley Fiege 🪿
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2024


Isle Au Haut — near where I live. Photo by Michael Delchamp on Unsplash

I was mostly prepared for the culture shock when I moved from New York to a small town in Maine with a population of 2,700. I was prepared for the small-town amenities and the quiet. I was less prepared for the need for bear deterrents.

Here are ten things I had to give up when I exchanged subways and halal carts for unspoiled nature and fresh clams:

Short Wait Times

Need a plumber? Need an electrician? Good luck. It’s not as bad in the Winter when the holiday people go home, but trying to get any work done in the Summer is a gamble. You’ll get “added to schedule,” which means you’ll be slotted in any time in the next 1–6 months.

Shopping in Person

I recently got a new work laptop, and they asked if I wanted to pick it up from the Apple store. The closest Apple store is a seven-hour drive.

Light Pollution

It’s so dark at night. I can see all the stars, and it’s beautiful.

Major Museums and Galleries

Our local lighthouse museum has a lot of charm and a stuffed three-foot-long lobster, but it’s not what I would call a cultural hot spot. There is no lack of things to do in my town, though. Every weekend, there are events, markets, and activities to keep busy. I don’t see famous artists’ work much anymore, but I know a lot more about the breeding cycle of oysters.

Consistent Store Opening Times

Most of the stores in my town are small, locally owned businesses, which I love. It also means they’re randomly closed when someone gets sick, or the weather is extra nice.

Public Transit

There’s a bus, but it only goes to places the tourists want to be.

Next-Day Delivery

Remember when things would take a week or two to arrive in the early days of Amazon? There are no major fulfillment centers here, and there is a pretty barebones postal service. I order things and wait, but this hasn’t been as annoying as I thought it would be. I was probably ordering too much stuff before anyway.

Caring About Fashion

It’s easier to buy all my clothes at the L.L. Bean outlet.

Going to the Movies

For some reason (probably from T.V. shows), I assumed all small towns had movie theaters. What else do the teens do?! Nope. The closest movie theater is an hour and a half drive. Maybe one day I’ll do a combo matinée/Costco trip.

Carefree Outings

Having an impulse day out in the city usually didn’t require much besides a credit card and a charged phone to call an Uber. Now I have to make sure I have tick spray, actual cash, a change of shoes, snacks and bear bells if I want to make an impromptu stop in the woods.

It’s all worth it though, and it feels good to have my city days behind me. And a massive pot of baking clams in front of me.



Haley Fiege 🪿

I'm Haley, a professional Designer. Creativity, weird stuff & living in the woods ✨ https://haleyfiege.com/links