10 Things You Don’t Know About Me

I’ll hop on this bandwagon and do some sharing!

Jimmy Misner Jr.


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

So, I’ve seen a few stories with people sharing some details about themselves. I think it’s a cool idea! I was also tagged by Misty Rae, so I almost have to do this, lol. Here’s her story for those interested!

Okay, so let’s get this started!

I have aphantasia.

A lot of people don’t know what this is so I’ll give a quick explanation. Take a moment and picture something in your head. That image you see? I can’t do that. I’m unable to create images in my head like most people can.

I should clarify, that I can’t do it on purpose. I can have dreams, and when I’m falling asleep I’ll start to see images as well. I just can’t do it on purpose. I also don’t see images during the day, even by accident.

It sounds bad but it’s just normal for me.

I have a terrible memory.

So, I’m reasonably intelligent. I’m able to learn quickly and think quickly. One…



Jimmy Misner Jr.

I like to write about everything but mainly life lessons, relationships, and advice in general. I respond to comments so feel free to start a conversation!