10 Twitter Marketing Mistakes You Should Avoid

Abdul Rashid Sani
Published in
5 min readDec 5, 2022

Twitter, one of the best social media marketing tools, is used by individuals and businesses to create awareness and build brands.

With over 300 million active users, Twitter helps businesses market their products and services to reach a wide range of users.

Twitter offers a lot of benefits to its users. But most often, we tend to make mistakes in using the platform to market our services.

These common mistakes hinder the growth of your business. At all costs, you must avoid these Twitter marketing mistakes that I will be sharing with you.

If you do this, you will have a brand that attracts more loyal followers that convert to customers.

1. No Clearly Defined Target Audience

Do you randomly post? Or do you post to target your audience? Without a clearly defined target audience, you will hardly hit your goal.

A well-defined target will ensure your post reaches them at the right time. Who are you targeting with your content? It is necessary to answer this question genuinely because not every Twitter user is your audience.

Decide on the age group, income group, beliefs, values, and location of your audience. Time well spent in researching who your audience is equaled leads generation.

2. Lack of Strategies

A lack of social media marketing for your Twitter audience will result in little achievement. If you want to build your brand better than people would love, you need to develop strategies that work.

There are a lot of social media networks available. But you can’t use the same strategy for all of them. A plan that works best on YouTube will not necessarily work well on Twitter.

Therefore, you must strategically position your Twitter presence to achieve maximum results.

3. Don’t Retweet Your Mentions by Other Brands

When other brands tweet by mentioning your brand, don’t be quick in retweeting the same. Don’t be self-promoting yourself too much. Your followers might feel they are being spammed.

When this happens, they will eventually click on the unfollow button. You may want to like your mentions. That’s fine. Just do that and move on without retweeting.

4. Lack of consistency

Consistency is a must if you are building a resilient brand. If you are not consistently sharing content, people will hardly find and engage with you.

Make it easier for you to be discovered. Consistently posting will increase your visibility and build an authoritative brand in your niche.

5. Lack of Multimedia

Tweeting is not all about text. You need to produce visuals. Include videos, gifs, and photos in your tweets with text.

People want to see and engage with content that comes with visuals. A picture is worth more than a thousand words, remember?

Don’t be tweeting long text without any visuals. People will hardly engage with it. Just so you know, the Twitter algorithm favors content with videos and photos just like any other social media network.

6. Hashtag Stuffing

Yes, you can use hashtags to reach new and more audiences. But wait, how often do you use hashtags in your post? Are they relevant to the content? And how many do you use per post?

If you are overstuffing your post with hashtags, you need to stop. You need to use 1 to 2 hashtags. And this should be in your text. Find and use relevant keywords in your industry.

7. Ignoring Trendy Topics

When you search for trending topics, you get a lot of inspiration and ideas. Find inspiration and trending topics on Twitter's trends.

Based on your perspective, create and post unique content on topics trending. Social media users consume more trendy topics. And this presents an awesome opportunity to get involved.

Always look out for Twitter trends for inspiration and get the conversation going.

8. Not Interacting with Your Followers

If you fail to engage with your followers, you will soon lose them. Aside from responding to the comments of your followers, it is necessary to retweet their tweets. You need to also like them.

Be responding to the comments of your audience on your post, even if they are negative. Take responsibility and answer their inquiries.

And use this opportunity to address their concerns. If you do this, your followers will see your brand to be responsible and professional.

9. Not Following Others

It doesn’t cost you to follow back your customers. It shouldn’t always be about you. Try to shift your focus to your customers. Follow a number of them who are loyal.

If you have loyal followers who frequently engage with your post, make them feel proud by reciprocating. Follow them back. And let them know you appreciate their loyalty.

10. Not Analyzing Your Post

Learn from your posts. Identify which ones are performing well or badly. Aside from the built-in Twitter analytics, there are several other social media analytics tools you can use to track the performance of your posts.

SocialPilot is a social media engagement tool that not only analyzes your content. It simply automates your posts. This tool allows you to schedule 500 bulk posts in advance.

It also helps boosts your Facebook posts to reach your target audience.


In conclusion, a small mistake in your Twitter marketing will go a long way to negatively impact your online presence.

Social media marketing can be one of the best ways to better reach new audiences and communicate with them.

However, you’ve got to do it the right way. Avoid petty Twitter marketing mistakes, and you will be ahead of your competitors.

Managing social media can sometimes be a time-consuming and daunting task. You need to post and respond to comments after spending time creating one. And you might be on several social media channels.

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