10 Ways I’d Change the World

A thought experiment on 10 things I’d change if I had unlimited power to change anything in the world

The Incandescent Writer


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to change the world in any way I chose? What would it be like if things were different?

Here are ten things I would change if I could, from the serious to the zany:

  1. No one would feel depressed anymore.
    What would it be like if depression was removed from our lives? It impacts me personally, so I really wonder what it would be like to live without it. I don’t think it means I’d be happy 24/7 or anything like that, but wouldn’t it be nice not to have an undercurrent of negativity running through your head? Imagine that.
  2. Families would be healed and there would be no divorce.
    I’d love to see broken families healed, patterns of abuse and neglect demolished into patterns of mutual support and encouragement. I’d love to see a world where there is no divorce nor children living with a single parent. No one should have to go through the horrors of divorce ripping their family and marriage apart. Of course, this means healthy individuals, which leads me to the next change I’d wish for.
  3. Everyone would be whole, hale and healthy in mind, body and spirit.
    No more unhealthy lifestyle choices…



The Incandescent Writer

Isabella the Wordweaver—or writer, editor and book coach in your tongue! I blog about creative writing, faith and more. bellajwu.wixsite.com/incandescent