10 Ways To Be An Awesome Loser

And How You Can Be At The Bottom Of It All!

Ilija Begic


Yes it’s one of those titles but it’s a satirical take on this format, though the format isn’t necessarily bad. Information about this story idea found at the end!

We’re always so concerned with being winners, win this, win that, we have infinite guides and motivational words ad nauseam on becoming winners, but how about that other extremity for a change?

How can we become losers who excel at this underrated value position? Let’s find out!

1. You can do anything!

An obvious benefit of being someone at the bottom is that you can work your way up the proverbial ladder in any niche/field of your choosing!

Maybe you’re working in one and it’s not working too well? You can try another approach or field entirely and have little to lose, lots to gain. You get a good time learning some new skills along the way, too. Bonus!

Usually, if something isn’t working, there certainly is luck and unfairness at play, a new approach might be the way to go, or many approaches! See what mistakes you can make and how you can make less of those and more of new ones.

2. Losers are humbled



Ilija Begic

Writer. Exploring the everyday nooks and crannies of life.