10 Ways To Instantly Improve Your Photography Skills

Learn more and be consistent

Godwin Michael
4 min readMay 28, 2022


Photo by Erik mclean on unsplash

When it comes to photography, there are countless tips and tricks you can learn to take better pictures of whatever subject you’re interested in shooting. But the number one tip I have for improving your photography skills can be summed up in three words: study the work of great photographers. Whenever you look at any type of art—whether it’s painting, sculpture, music, literature, or anything else—you’ll find that the most important step to improve your abilities is by studying what came before you.

1) Learn More About Basic Photography

The point-and-shoot camera has pretty much died out—people are snapping photos with their phones now more than ever. If you’re interested in learning more about your smartphone and how to best use it for photography, check out our guide on mobile photography. Otherwise, if you want a little more control over your photo quality, it might be time to invest in a basic DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) camera—an investment that could lead to serious returns down the road.

2) Think Like a Photographer

Next time you go on a trip, think about how a photographer would capture the scene. Would he focus on one subject and blur out his surroundings? Or, do you prefer pictures that show everything in sharp detail? Maybe he’d seek to take photos of unexpected moments or elements. Visualize what you’re trying to take a picture of and consider how someone who knows what they’re doing would approach it. If you can relate your subject to any sort of artistic purpose, then great!

3) Edit like a Pro

Editing is an easy way to take your photos from good to great. Take time to play around with your editing tools and learn how you can tweak your image just so. Remember that everyone has different editing preferences, so once you’ve found a style that suits you, stick with it. You can make changes now and then but don’t overdo it or you’ll lose consistency. And, as always, don’t be afraid of adding some post-processing effects!

4) Practice Makes Perfect

Whether you’re a professional photographer or just picking up your first camera, a lot of practice is essential. The more shots you take and edit, the better you’ll get at taking great photos. Developing good composition skills will help, too—here are some tips on how to create eye-catching shots in any setting.

5) Get Ready for the Real World

As a photographer, you should never stop learning. Even if you consider yourself an expert, there’s always room for growth—whether it’s new equipment or a new skill set. The better your photography is, or the more types of photography you can do well, the more opportunities will present themselves.

6) Don’t Give Up

As a photographer, your success will be dictated by two things: how hard you work and how much you’re willing to learn. While skill is important, it can only take you so far. If you want to be great, work on improving yourself every day. The more time and effort you put into developing your craft, both creatively and professionally, the better your photography will become—and with that growth comes increased opportunities for success.

7) Have Fun!

A lot of people are intimidated by photography because they take it too seriously. Don’t be one of them. Having fun will help you relax and encourage you to enjoy what you’re doing, which will result in better pictures. When shooting, make sure you look for little things that make you smile—the shot doesn’t have to be serious all of the time. Lighten up!

8) Always be inspired by others, but never copy them.

Even if you follow every single piece of advice on becoming a better photographer, there’s no guarantee you’ll become one. That’s because photography is all about capturing what interests you and presenting it in a way that makes others stop and take notice. Don’t copy other photographers, don’t try to be like them—they have their styles and techniques, learn from them and use them as inspiration. But never copy!

9) Explore and Experiment with New Techniques

Learning a new photography technique is a great way to grow your portfolio and build on your skillset. Sure, it can be intimidating if you don’t know what you’re doing, but there are so many online resources and communities that can help guide you through new learning experiences. You can also make your own mistakes in low-stakes situations (like an impromptu photoshoot with a friend) before trying out these techniques in front of clients or at big events.

10) Lastly, practice, practice, practice.

It’s a cliché, but there’s a good reason why it bears repeating: practicing photography is how you improve your skills. You could spend countless hours behind your camera, but if you don’t keep an eye on your results and learn from them, you might as well not be taking pictures at all.



Godwin Michael

A writer with the passion for covering varieties of topics.