10 Weird Behaviours That Make Sense to My ADHD Brain

Neurotypicals, don’t judge

Eliza Lita


Photo by Samuel Rios on Unsplash

As a child, I was freakishly good at masking my ADHD. From the outside, you could hardly tell there was something inherently not neurotypical about me.

I mean, I was a little forgetful, bumped into things a little too often (cracked my forehead because I ran straight into a window? average child behaviour), got upset a little too easily, and never knew how to manage my time, but hey. Children will be children. Right?

Nevermind that time I passed out from loud music, or how I always talked to myself, or how I learned sign language and hieroglyphics at 9 years old because I was bored. Nevermind struggling to make friends because my socialising was a little off, and who cared that I cried at the smallest criticism? I was just a sensitive kid. A smart, sensitive, shy kid who wasn’t great at fitting in.

Yeah, right.

Discovering I have ADHD has been the most helpful development of my adult life. But why, you might think, would anyone want to accept being neurodivergent, much less take pride in it?

ADHD has answered all my questions about myself. The constant struggles, shame, stress, the intense gut feeling that I was different, but didn’t know in what way, the constant failure to change…



Eliza Lita

ADHD, books, writing, fitness, lifestyle. | Founder and editor: Coffee Time Reviews. | Library Mouse | Language nerd.