100 Pushups a day

Keeps old-age away



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Professionals are taught to plan for retirement. They make wise decisions about their finances according to their lifestyle and the projected number of years they will spend in retirement. They imagine the perfect home in the ideal location, travel, and luxury purchases. They save for this good life.

In a culture that highly values materialism, preparing for financial security as an aging priority makes the most sense. However, a limited focus on economics may prevent many aging adults from having the successful retirement they desire.

Healthy, Wealthy & Wise

Unhealthy adults will spend significant time in the doctor’s office, filling prescriptions and waiting for someone to take them shopping. This is the case when planning for retirement does not include preserving the physical body.

Not everyone can save a million dollars for retirement. But, everyone’s behaviors contribute positively or negatively toward their physical health. Physical health is as vital to retirement as financial health.

Physical wealth

Unlike financial wealth, physical wealth is active. To save money for retirement, you have to be disciplined not to touch it. You make good decisions about your money, and then you just let it grow…




Empowerment Psychologist, writing to change the world one story at a time. Author/Poet/Public Speaker. Learn more at http://Rosennabakari.com