11 Dumb Advice Unsuccessful People Give You.

Don’t set yourself up for screw-ups.

Devika Malik


Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

In today’s world, Knowledge is pouring from everywhere. Everyone wants to illuminate you with their words or actions, so In this scenario, the judgment of what information you should absorb and apply and with once’s to ignore becomes a difficult task.

Here, I have curated a list of the 11 most famous words of enlightenment we hear very often, but they are not as promising as they are claimed to be; in fact, some are as hollow as bamboo.

1. Slow and steady wins the race:

But what if you are running in a sprint, not a marathon, you cannot apply the same strategy for a 100m race as for a 1,500m race. We are all slaves of Time, and we have to agree that we have limited time both for any given task or life in general; a clock is always ticking.

So be quick to grab and go because not all are abiding by the slow and steady mantra. We live in a competitive world that works on a first-come, first-serve basis

