11 Effective Ways to Pass an Exam Without Studying

These tricks work for me all the time and it will surely work for you too.

Evince Uhurebor


If you are the working type who hardly have time to sit and read before an exam, then this article is for you. The best way to pass an exam is to read ismart. Note the smart word I used there. Many people will tell you to study hard to pass an exam, but it’s not always so. Those who read well or are astute in predicting what topics will be covered in an exam always outperform the others.The best way to read as a student is to read smart and not hard to ace any questions you might come across in an exam setting. Below are 11 ways to help you pass an exam without studying hard.

11. Keep your anxiety under control.

Photo by Tonik on Unsplash

This particular one is hard to put off, but you need to learn how to control your panic feelings towards exams. Taking a walk or chatting with friends about the paper can help ease your anxiety feelings to a minimum. Learn to keep your cool as it is very crucial if you want to pass your exams with flying colors. You need to search for what works best for you, as everyone have what they…



Evince Uhurebor

A prolific writer, poet and programmer all in one personality. Email: evinsian14@gmail.com