11 Psychological Tricks That Will Make People Flock to You

Saleeha Som
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2022
Photo by Asad Photo Maldives:

People are social creatures. While there are certain people who are inherently outgoing, most of us have trouble striking up discussions, speaking in front of others, and making new acquaintances despite the fact that we seek connection because it is a synonym for wellbeing, enjoyment, and support. The good news is that there are a few psychological techniques you can pick up to draw people to you and command attention, including wearing red clothing, matching body language, and even chewing gum.

We selected a few of them that you can try out:

1. Match body language

Observe the person you are speaking to and try to mimic their body language if you want to impress, attract attention, or win respect. According to research, this behaviour will demonstrate comfort, strengthen trust, and contribute to the development of a rapport with the person you are speaking to.

2. Talk with palms up

Some body languages can be used to draw attention, however not everyone is aware of this technique. Talking while raising our hands demonstrates honesty and dependability.

3. Practice power posing

Even if you don’t feel confident, the power position can deceive your brain into believing you are. Just before a big meeting, walk to a mirror and pretend that you are a superhero: raise your head, straighten your posture, place your hands on your hips, and grin broadly.

4. Give compliments

Not only is it polite, but it’s also a good idea to compliment someone on their kindness, intelligence, or beauty since what you say about other people affects how others perceive you.

5. Chew gum if you are nervous

Before a major event with lots of people to impress, it’s normal to feel worried and uncomfortable. However, if you feel that these sensations are undermining your confidence, try chewing gum. You can use this approach to divert your attention from your stress while simultaneously boosting blood flow to the brain.

6. Talk about personal things

Consider posing inquiries like, “What is your favourite food?” or “What was your favourite vacation?” as an illustration. Gaining intimacy increases the likelihood of developing friendship and trust.

7. Go on adrenaline dates

Together laughing people tend to stay together. So, try striking up a lighthearted discussion if you want to make friends or leave a favourable impression. They’ll feel even more a part of you thanks to this tactic.

8. Wear red to get attention

Start integrating red clothing in your wardrobe if you want to stand out in a crowd and catch everyone’s attention. This is a fantastic method to catch attention, according to studies, especially in an emotional situation.

9. Don’t be afraid of touching

Knowing the difference between an awkward and a forceful touch is the key in this situation. To increase intimacy and demonstrate your concern for the other person, try giving them a soft touch on the arm or shoulder.

10. Focus on a memorable last impression

Making a good first impression is critical, but leaving a lasting impression is even more crucial. If you’re making an introduction, giving a speech, or just putting together a presentation, keep this tip in mind. It’s more probable that they will remember you and look for you in the future if you leave a lasting impression.

11. Make eye-contact by looking at the middle of their forehead

It’s crucial to look into others’ eyes when you’re speaking since it conveys sincerity and integrity, yet some individuals find this difficult to do for several reasons, most notably shyness. If this is the case, get in the habit of pretending to make eye contact by glancing in the middle of their forehead.

Have you ever tried any of these tricks? How did they work? Let us know!

