11 Ways To Regulate Your Nervous System

This information could change your life forever.

3 min readNov 17, 2022


Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

Well, it’s time to take your power back and be a super conscious creator as well as a super mindful master of your own body.

Our nervous system wellbeing is so important for our mental and overall health. When our nervous system is dysregulated we experience “fight or flight” reactions, for example, digestive problems, unexplained body pain, sleep problems, panic/anxiety attacks, challenge in focusing and regulating our emotions, and overwhelm of emotions out of nowhere.

Below are 11 ways we can support and regualte our nervous system, to promote more health and wellness in our body:

1- Start with your breath

Long deep breaths sends signal to our brain that we are not in an emergency situation, this gives our body permission slip to relax and calm down. Neuroscientists recommend the box breath exercise ( inhale for 4 seconds hold for 4, exhale for 4, and repeat) do this at least ten times.

2- Activate your visualisation

When we visualise our emotions (stresses, fears, and so on) we can build boundaries between us and the feeling, we can take control by visualising them getting smaller, melting down or even washed away. Our brain does not know the difference between visualisation and reality. So this is a powerful tool to use and regualte the nervous system.

3- Get some sunshine

The exposure to the sun naturally cleanses our energetic body. The sun is truly a great source of happiness for our bodies, getting outside in the sun helps our nervous system to calm down and it actually brings peace to our being. The sun is such a blessing and a gift to our world.

4- Review and upgrade your diet

Take a deeper look into what you are feeding your body. Remove any toxic and unnatural foods from your diet. Replace them with healthier options, for example, you can replace coffee with herbal tea or decaf coffee. Where are you not supporting your body’s wellbeing? what are you unconciously feeding your anxiety and stress?? whatever it is, it’s time to cut it off.

5- Have quality time with your pets and the people you love

Our loved one’s company and the love of our pets around us, is a truly natural way to make us feel the best of our emotions. We laugh more and laughter also helps our mental health and wellbeing.

6- Take time to meditate daily

The more you meditate, the more you calm your mind and align to a reality that is peaceful and serene. Meditation is a great tool to cultivate inner and outer peace and love in your life.

7- Mindful movement practice

Having a movement practice in your daily routine is very beneficial in promoting a healthy nervous system. This practice can be anything from a workout, gentle yoga, tai chi, qi gong or just walking. As long as you move your body your body will move you in a better way in life.

8- Mindful activities

Sometimes we unconsciously choose activities that brings chaos to our nervous system. If you know that binge watching horror movies, will keep you up at night, you should probably avoid watching it. So, choosing mindfully our activities and how we spend our energy could help in enhancing and regualting our nervous system.

9- Free yourself from daily schedule

Spend some time without any agenda, the purpose is to relax thinking of nothing at all but enjoying your moment, watching your favourite movie, baking your food, or painting your walls.

10- Journal to process your emotions

When we write down what bothers us or stresses us out, we find comfort and relief. Because the emotions are now out of the head, so try this out. Write down your emotions and how you feel, then destroy the paper safely. This help you know that you are always in control.

11- Journal to bring more positive thoughts

Use a daily gratitude journal to bring in more positive thoughts and to remind yourself of the beautiful gifts and good things you have in life.

Life is in constant movement and evolution, we have to educate ourselves and learn how to cope with it mindfully to bring more peace and balance in our lives.

I hope this helped! Please share it with anyone who needs it.

