12 Badass Women Whose Genius Inventions Changed the World

Spoiler alert! Women invented great things, too.



Collage of Stephanie Kwolek, Dr Patricia Bath, Marion Donovan and Hedy Lamarr.
Photo from author/ Canva

If there is one thing young girls should know, they should not let their gender get in the way of their dreams of becoming inventors.

Female inventors haven’t always gotten the recognition they deserve, even though their inventions were revolutionary and changed society in their time.

Let’s celebrate them.

Revolutionizing the medical world

1. Letitia Geer invented the medical syringe in 1899, improving the safety and accuracy of medical treatments.

2. Dr. Patricia Bath invented the Laserphaco Probe in 1986, using laser technology to safely and effectively remove cataracts. Her innovation revolutionized cataract surgery, leading to quicker recovery times and improved patient outcomes.

3. Dr. Virginia Apgar developed the Apgar score, a standardized assessment tool used to evaluate newborns’ physical condition quickly. Introduced in 1952, it has become a standard practice in assessing the overall health of newborns, helping medical professionals identify and address any immediate medical concerns.

Five points — heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle

