12 Days of COBOL Programming
Since we’re coming up to a new year, full of hope and new beginnings, putting the old year behind us, this is the “12 days of Christmas” from the perspective of a COBOL programmer.
The tune is, of course, the “Twelve Days of Christmas”. Enjoy…
12 Days of COBOL Programming
On the first day of Christmas, my Manger sent to me
One Production release
On the second day of Christmas, my Manger sent to me
Two user requirements, and
One Production release
On the third day of Christmas, my Manager sent to me
Three new developers,
Two user requirements, and
One Production release
On the fourth day of Christmas, my Manger sent to me
Four business analysts,
Three new developers,
Two user requirements, and
One Production release
On the fifth day of Christmas, my Manger sent to me
Five program specs,
Four business analysts,
Three new developers,
Two user requirements, and
One Production release