12 Habits of Highly Productive People

Published in
5 min readApr 27, 2022
12 Habits of Highly efficient people
Photo by Olia Danilevich on Pexels

No one starts out being efficient.

Whether you’re a commercial enterprise owner, manager, employee, freelancer, creative, or professional, all people are going through different equipment and techniques till they land on a sure device that they could depend and construct on.

But more than external solutions, highly productive people start from the inside out.

Instead of Google Calendar, Asana, or the GTD system, their mindset, choices, and habits first make them effective and then help them use the tools and systems to magnify their results.

Here are 12 Habits of Highly Productive People.

1. They examine what has worked.

Highly productive people don’t just do things. They act on relevant information and build on areas or processes that are already working well for them. This is why it is not advisable to set goals or goals without first delving into your past and current situation.

2. They recognize what went wrong.

In the same way that highly productive people look at the positive, they also recognize the negative. Only by fully acknowledging their mistakes, failures, or areas for improvement can they come up with effective, and not just efficient, solutions.

With this habit, they are able to evaluate, adapt and evolve.

3. They plan.

Based on what worked and what didn’t, highly productive people plan. They first recognize that they have the choice to create the kind of future they want and invent objectives and actions to better transform this vision into a reality.

4. They notice problems and find strategies to solve them.

Obstacles are indeed an unavoidable part of life for highly productive people. Their ability to anticipate possible difficulties and strategize on how to avoid, reduce, or manage them separates them from unproductive people.

5. They write things down

When a person’s mind isn’t overwhelmed, it is most valuable to him or her. When it’s clear and focused, it’s the most beneficial. Highly productive people write things down for these reasons.

Rather than keeping everything in their heads, they write it down to organize their thoughts and make them actionable.

6. They prioritize

People who are highly productive do not have less on their plates. In fact, compared to the normal person, they typically have twice as many, if not ten times as many duties and responsibilities. Despite the fact that they have a million things to do, they identify and focus only on the tasks that will provide the most value (aka their highest point of contribution).

This could entail using the 80/20 rule, the Eisenhower Matrix, or identifying their lead domino, among other things.

7. They focus on one task at a time

When highly productive people understand what they should prioritize, they concentrate on their one most important task at any given time… and finish it. There are no distractions, no procrastination, and nothing should be touched twice.

They also avoid multitasking because they recognize that their time, energy, attention, and money are limited and valuable resources that should not be divided or spent on their second, third, or tenth most essential responsibilities.

8. They set boundaries.

Highly productive people set limits for themselves in terms of how they use their time, energy, and attention spans. They have routines that they follow. They say “no” to tasks that aren’t important or urgent. They are aware of their physical, emotional, and mental boundaries. They give themselves plenty of time to rest, and they rest well. They assess opportunities with great care.

They maintain a healthy work-life balance.

9. They delegate and automate

People that are highly productive are aware of their talents and flaws. They automate or delegate all of the chores that aren’t the best use of their time or effort. To streamline business operations and get things done quickly, they use templates, workflows, and blueprints. Their systems are optimized, and their team is well-qualified to produce more and better overall results. They understand that 1 Plus 1 can equal 3.

10. They ask important questions

More than the answers, a question indicates a lot about a person’s intelligence and potential for success. It’s the difference between asking:

  • “What can I do?” and “What must be done?”
  • “How can I put in more effort?” and “How can I work smarter?”
  • “What differentiates this product from others?” and “What are the benefits of having this tool?”
  • “Can you tell me what things I can sell?” and “What problems do people need to be solved?”
  • “Is there anything else I can say?” “What can I improve?” and “How can I make it better?”

Just as Stephen Covey wrote,

“You cannot ask a question outside your field of knowledge. That’s why a person’s question reveals the level of their understanding and their knowledge more than their answer to some other question.”

11. They form important habits.

I guarantee that any highly productive individual understands the value of habits. It’s not about what you do once in a blue moon, whether you’re an athlete, a business owner, a freelancer, an author, or a professional.

What separates you is what you can achieve consistently and progressively.

In terms of personal productivity, this means building keystone habits like reading, exercising, planning, reviewing, and so on in order to experience a chain reaction of beneficial impacts across multiple areas of your life.

12. They commit to continuous improvement.

As I stated at the beginning of this article, no one is born a productive person. The ability of the highly productive to continuously develop and progress forward is a key differentiator between them and the unproductive.

Anyone who wants to improve their intelligence, speed, efficiency, and effectiveness must constantly assess themselves, read books, hire coaches, attend seminars, listen to podcasts, enroll in courses, and engage in other activities that will help them become better and more productive.


The 12 habits listed in this article are just that — activities, just like external solutions can’t solve internal problems. Start from the inside out if you’re not as productive as you’d want to be right now. Commit to converting productive activities into productive habits.

Thank you for reading my article. I’m looking forward to seeing you in my future blog article!

