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12 Habits that Allow You to “be yourself”.

Be yourself because the moment you try to be someone else, you cover up those unique things that only you have. Realize that your ideas, strengths and personality are things that cannot be found anywhere else. Always remember to be the best version of you. And above all, be honest with yourself.

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5 min readMar 15, 2024


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Starting today:

01. Develop yourself continuously exactly as you understand is good for you.

Avoid the realization that life has simply passed you by. Apply your passion, go where your calling leads you, and never forget to bring your reason with you. There might not be many others who share your level of ease in your own skin when you reach that stage, but as long as you’re not hurting others, you’re doing the right thing.

02. Be honest in your relationships with those around you.

Don’t tell your life partner lies. If there’s no other option and you’re not pleased, be honest and go on. Being faithful is a delight rather than a sacrifice when you genuinely care about the person standing next to you.

03. Clarify and prioritize your priorities.

It won’t really matter in 10, 20, or even 30 years what kind of clothes you bought, what kind of shoes you had on today, or even how your hair looked. What will count are your interactions with others, the lessons you picked up along the way, and the ways in which you put what you learned to use.

04. Seek to learn from others and move on when the time is right.

It is not easy to influence those around you. You may either live your life with them or embrace them for who they are. It doesn’t imply something shouldn’t have happened, even if a chapter in your life has ended. You went through those experiences, gained knowledge, matured, and moved on. Certain individuals are genuinely a boon to your existence. You learn valuable lessons from others.

05. Take full responsibility for how you feel.

You must alter your way of thinking if you truly want to live a balanced and happy life. Sitting around hoping someone to come help you is a waste of time. Even though life is full of both wonderful and unpleasant experiences, how you choose to respond to these events and go forward is entirely up to you.

06. Know both your strengths and weaknesses.

Being self-assured is OK as long as you are aware of your advantages and disadvantages. We wish we were someone else and compare ourselves to others far too often. Everybody has strengths and limitations. We shall be able to experience true freedom the moment we learn to accept this.

07. Recognize your merits.

Helping them have fewer options to pick from is the easiest thing to do if you’re with someone and you realize they treat you like you’re disposable because there are others in line waiting anyway. If you continue to be around negative individuals, it will be difficult for you to perceive the beauty that is all around you. Spend as little time as possible with negative people. Spend time getting to know yourself so that you can recognize your assets and your strengths. Time is an invaluable resource that ought not to be squandered.

08. Choose to do the things that are really important to you.

Certain things, like the type of automobile you drive, don’t really matter. When considering everything in its whole, how long does this matter? Not in excess. But does it really matter how much you do to touch someone’s heart? That is very important! The biggest issue in many people’s life, in my opinion, is that they are aware of what’s important but don’t choose to do it. Rather, a plethora of alternative stimuli are diverting their attention. I don’t give the crucial things priority. Making the decision to live a life driven by passion and focusing on what truly matters most to you is not only the wisest, but also maybe the hardest.

09. Choose the right perspective.

The viewpoint you adopt when examining an incident is crucial. There are only two things you can do when faced with crammed public spaces, gridlock, or other delays: either you become irate and irate, or you choose to look at the whole thing as an opportunity for your life to get better. offers a brief period of relief free from guilt. Thus, you can choose to spend your break stressed or, conversely, comfortable, laughing, or enjoying a nice phone conversation because the circumstances you find yourself in does not directly depend on you.

The first option will raise your tension and probably give you a state of restlessness and anxiety. The second one will raise your level of well-being and maybe even help you relax.

10. Avoid letting past problems get in the way of your present.

Acknowledge and release the things beyond your control. The next time you want to throw a fit because something feels unjust to you, keep in mind that you will most likely never be able to get over your anger by replaying the events that led to it. Thus, put an end to your conversation, unwind your shoulders, hands, and arms, and shift your focus elsewhere. Ignoring it will cause the fury to go out of control, leaving you in a peaceful condition while you work toward a brighter tomorrow.

11. Accept yourself fully, exactly as you are.

It’s a good idea to accept who you are as you are. With the shortcomings you perceive in yourself, with your current state of affairs, and with your thus far really remarkable accomplishments. Indeed, embrace who you are in spite of everything. and the individual who embraces you for who you truly are.

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

12. Never stop learning.

You must constantly make fresh decisions in life. Someone else will take them if you don’t. When the time comes to take it from the beginning, you are just as strong not only when you are able to resist in that particular moment. Making the necessary changes is something you can do at any time. Continue developing, learning, and adjusting. You are undoubtedly closer than you were the day before, even if you are not there yet.❤️




Seasoned storyteller crafting tales to captivate minds and stir souls. Join me on an adventure guided by the ink of experience. ✍️📚